Why SEO Shouldn’t Be Ignored For Your Website


SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, which refers to the techniques that you apply to your website to increase its searchability and visibility. When you put up a website, one of your priorities should be how you can rise above the thousands of other sites that are up and running on the World Wide Web. Without proper SEO strategies in place, your website fails to be effective.

In a nutshell, SEO means that your page makes it to the top landing pages whenever a user keys in a search on an engine. The higher your page landings, the higher your website ratings as well. Hence, this is one of the aspects of digital marketing that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Here’s why:

1. It Helps Gain More Traffic To Your Site

Organic traffic to your site is very important. This refers to the number of visitors your website has every day. Organic traffic specifically refers to visitors who came into your site through unpaid search results, as opposed to paid traffic, which are visitors who came across your website through ads.

Of course, the more visitors you have, the more effective and popular your website becomes. In essence, it creates a domino effect wherein the popularity of your website increases its chances of making it to the top five search results after a user keys in a search. The top five spot is ideal for websites as Internet users are more inclined to visit sites within this range. Because most internet users tend to be in a hurry or have no patience to scroll down further, websites that did not make it to the top five spot tend to be overlooked, thus gaining less traffic.

Undoubtedly, Internet success doesn’t happen overnight, though it does grow over time. If you’re consistent in applying SEO techniques, it won’t be long before you make it to that most-coveted position as well.

2. It Allows Your Website To Be More Credible And Trustworthy

Internet users are generally creatures of habit, so when they search for a particular product or topic, they will either type in a website they know they can trust or choose from others they have long trusted as an authority. Apart from making it to the top landing pages, your goal should be to make your website trustworthy, as well as a household name for Internet users. You can achieve this through the application of proper SEO practices.

For instance, through SEO, you can link to other authority sites, and other sites will link to your site as well. You can also receive positive comments and feedback from Internet users.

Remember, credibility and trustworthiness can’t be achieved overnight. It takes time and patience, and a lot of hard work. If you’re committed to continuously applying SEO strategies on your website, it will eventually become one of the authoritative sources in your niche.

3. It Enhances The User Experience On Your Site

Pleasant user experience is essential on any website. If your site isn’t easy to use, it will only drive visitors away. The population of the Internet today is very diverse, with the elderly taking up a percentage of this population. While this increasing population can mean good news for your company as it translates to more visitors, it can also mean bad news when you consider the perspective of Internet users who are still learning to navigate through the web.

Thus, if you invest in SEO strategies for your site, you’re also following the techniques and rules that will make your website easy to navigate. Remember that Internet users are also becoming more meticulous. They know what they want and what they’re looking for in a website. If they can’t find it, they will leave your site for another one that’s easier to use. Without SEO, there is little to no way you can become aware of these principles that can affect the whole user interface of your website for the better.

4. It Helps You Apply The Proper Keywords On Your Site

Keywords may be a typical facet of SEO, but it’s one that shouldn’t be neglected. In SEO, keywords refer to evergreen or constant words that are commonly used or keyed in by Internet users when they use a search engine. When you’re strategic enough with your use of keywords, your website’s ranking and effectivity will improve.

For search engines to rank your website after an Internet user does a search, the search engine’s crawlers scan through your website. This is all completed in a fraction of a second, hence your website needs to have keywords in place that can be scanned by search engine crawlers, or else you stay behind other competing sites that have better keywords. Even in the present day, the effectivity of keywords is still constant.

To help you get a headstart on the proper keywords to use and other related SEO strategies, visit Thunderhawk SEO.

5. It Helps Develop Relevant Content For Your Site

In relation to keywords, content is also one of the most critical elements of any website that shouldn’t be taken for granted. No matter how well-made or up-to-date the theme and design of your website is, you will still lose your visitors if your content isn’t relevant. Internet users will not even bother to open your website if it doesn’t provide answers to some of their most common questions. You can achieve relevance through SEO as its strategies are also continuously being updated and improved. Thus, applying SEO techniques on your website also means you’re updated about what content is and isn’t relevant to be used in your site.


Search Engine Optimization techniques have been around for many years now, and it is not going away anytime soon. It is one of the facets of digital marketing that is undoubtedly here to stay. If you’ve just made your website or if you’re looking for ways to improve it, you can’t go wrong when you consistently apply the best SEO techniques. SEO completes the whole framework of your website, making it user-friendly, relevant, and competitive in the entire market of the Internet.