Top Tech Devices for Pets on the Market 


Owning a pet is a great responsibility and not all people are up for the challenge. Apart from providing them with good food, a source of fresh, clean water, and lots of entertainment, animals will also require your free time and affection, which could be difficult given that most people have hectic working schedules. 

However, if you want to enjoy the company of your beloved cat or dog whenever you come home from a long day at work, there are plenty of tech devices and AI-packed gizmos that will entertain and look after your pet while you’re away. Here are some of the best you should invest in to make sure your animal is taken care of even when you’re on a short business trip.

Baby monitors for pets

If you spend a lot of time away from your home but still want to be in touch with everything your pet does, there are special devices that look a lot like baby monitors that can help you do just that. Most of them come with a video function and are easily connected to your smartphone via a secured app so that you can check up on your pet every moment of the day. 

Some even allow you to interact with your cat or dog and let them hear your voice. There are special devices designed for cats and dogs, each coming with unique and creative functions. For instance, the dog app can dispense a treat remotely whenever you use your phone, allowing your pet to be rewarded by listening to your commands.

The cat device is even better because it features an integrated laser toy that allows you to entertain and amuse your cat for hours even when you’re miles away from home. 

Smart vacuums for pet hair

Although keeping animals inside the house will help you build a stronger connection and relationship with them, pet hair is not something you’re eager to find when you come back home. Apart from destroying your carpets and upholstery in the long term, pet hair can also cause allergies and health problems. 

Luckily, there are countless options that can help you get rid of allergens without you even touching them. Similar to the famous Robo vacuum Rumba, there are plenty of products specifically designed to pick up dust and pet hair, leaving your house clean, without having to opt for additional flea powders for carpets to get rid of pests. 

They can easily connect to your phone via a wireless app so that you get full control of the cleaning process without scaring your pets. 

Automatic ball launchers

If your dog enjoys playing fetch but you don’t always have the time for that, there is a small device called iFetch that will help you solve this problem. The item has a rather simple working mechanism and won’t cost you a fortune either.

After your dog places the tennis ball into the top of the device, the interactive toy will automatically throw it at a distance between 10 and 30 feet. 

The product is also safe as it encourages your pet to sit behind it to avoid injuries. What we liked about this toy is that it can be placed both indoors and outdoors and works with regular C-cell batteries. This way, you can stimulate your pet to exercise more, even when you don’t have the time to play with it. 

In addition, the product is also delivered with a training guide that will teach your furry friend to use the machine on its own, meaning it can enjoy countless hours of fun without you being around.