Here is What You Should Look at While Choosing a Smartphone

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A person should learn how to make informed choices while buying a Smartphone. Shopping for a new phone or an already used phone might sound easy. But you need to select a phone that works for you and brings value to the money spent. There are a few items that one should check before placing an order on any phone. They are as follows:

1. Price range
Before looking at any feature, one should check out different price ranges. You can choose any online mobile store to compare prices of various smartphones. Android phones are cheaper compared to iPhone and Samsung phones. One should select a phone within their budget range.

2. Features
The second item is looking at the specified features of the phone. Each operating system has proprietary specifics. IOS phones have exclusive features such as Siri, iCloud support and face time chat.

Android phones have google now, home screen widgets and it allows third-party app installation. Today most android phones have fingerprint sensors, cloud storage for pictures and support use of google drive.

Windows phone uses Cortana for voice activation and has home screen customization. These features are important to look at to decide which phone you will buy.

3. Operating system
Personal taste and preference is the deciding factor on which phone one will select. However, if you are looking for a secure operating system that has a simple interface, the iPhone is the one to choose. A person looking for an OS with custom options, you may prefer an Android phone or windows phone.

4. Screen size
It is measured corner to corner diagonally. Selecting a screen is dependent on one’s preferences. One may want a large screen which will be suitable for watching movies. While another will prefer a smaller screen which can fit into pockets. Android phones come in a range of sizes. Windows phone models range from 4 to 6-inch screens. iPhone plus series offer an extra-large screen while ‘’SE’’ series is compact phones.

5. Storage
Whether a phone is brand new or second-hand, one should look at storage capacity. It’s usually listed in gigabytes. It’s a measure of how many files it can store at a specific time. Storage space affects the price of a Smartphone. One can select a phone that supports storage expansion by using a micro SD card. However, the iPhone does not support storage expansion.

6. Battery life
One should select a phone with a longer battery life. However, a person’s phone usage is what dictates how long the battery will last. Playing mobile video games, using a phone outside Wi-Fi range and talking on the phone can drain a battery quickly. While selecting a used phone or a new phone, one should go for a phone whose battery life ranges from 8 to18 hours. Be careful not to overuse your phone, today phones come with an inbuilt battery which doesn’t support replaceable batteries.


All this information and many more are found in any online mobile store. Take your time to go through the product description before placing an order. Transactions on these sites are fast and uncomplicated. Within 4-5 business days, one can receive the phone of their choice right at their doorstep. Protection Status