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Start Your Own Design Agency From Home

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Finding a rewarding job is a hard task. Sometimes, even a full-time job isn’t enough to keep you satisfied. In today’s world, many people want to be in control of their working lives, deciding where and how they work; however, very little people have the opportunity to do so.

The lack of opportunity is no longer an issue with the surge of online business. As the world more readily embraces the internet of things, there are steadily arising more opportunities for individuals to take control of their work lives. Whether you’re looking to work remotely from home, create a more flexible schedule, or run a side business, a new opportunity has arisen.

Bookmark’s Design Agency Program is a unique platform where you can create your very own website design agency without having to leave your home.

This program is tailored to the average person. You do not have to be an experienced graphic designer or coder. Simply, let artificial intelligence do the leg work for you and automatically create websites. In as little as one hour, you can have a full-fledged portfolio of websites to showcase to clients.

The process of creating a client website has been simplified: Answer 7 simple questions and Bookmark’s AiDA (Artificial Intelligence Design Assistant) creates a website based on the answers.

Most website builders take hours, if not days to complete; the total time it takes AiDA to create a website from start to completion is around two minutes. Having speed and precision at your fingertips will give you the power to create and customize stylized client website variations in the shortest possible turnaround time. This, alone, will put you head and shoulders above the competition, as you can present clients with custom tailored samples within an hour.

This program has the capability of turning an individual into a full design agency, managing unlimited clients from anywhere in the world. All that is required is a computer and an internet connection.

Every quality design agency needs to have their own website to showcase prices and services offered. As a part of membership to this program, every individual receives a customizable agency website to further showcase price and service packages.

The appeal of working from home and running a business is a dream many have. Every small business owner and freelancer knows in order to live easier and make more money with less effort, effectively pitching clients will be key to your success.

As clients prefer designers who are flexible, Bookmark’s agency program makes it easy to do so by quickly building out a portfolio to show clients, making it easy to customize websites after receiving feedback, and simplifying the website transfer process.

For $99 a year, Bookmark’s Design Agency Program offers the opportunity to take control of your schedule, work from home, and effectively run an online business. If you’re interested in starting your own design agency, check out Bookmark.

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