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Use Word Counter to Enhance Your Website

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Far more than being just a number, word count can largely determine the success of your website or online material. If you have given much thought to the word count of your content including articles, guest, descriptions, or blog posts, it is never too late to start. You must learn how important is a word or character count for your content to actually make a difference. Length of your content is a critical factor that impacts search engine optimization.

But before moving to that, it is equally essential to know how can you check your character count. Using a word counter tool is the smartest way. Most tools do not only tell you about the number of words but helps you go through other crucial details as well such as readability time, spelling mistakes, etc.

Why Is A Word Count Ruler For SEO?

As a content marketer, SEO should always be a priority. Above all, you want to make sure that your target audience can reckon the valuable information that you post online.

– Long content ranks higher
If you have been persuaded to produce a large number of short content to better up your webpage’s ranking, you need to think again. Previous results indicate that search engines show a preference for long-formed articles. In 2015, the highest-ranking articles averaged between 1,140 and 1,285 words. If the trend stays constant, search engines will continue to favor long content. So, keeping a check on articles before posting using a character count tool will be very helpful.

– The lengthy article offers more value
Search engines intentionally highlight more extended material that covers topics more comprehensively. You can take benefit of this distinction by uploading longer pieces that provide more worth if brief posts that only start to introduce a complex subject.

Not only SEO but many other metrics depend on the number of words to determine success, let’s have a look:

– Shareability
For every article you upload online, you will always want to make that content shareable. As content that warrants sharing in return gets more views, grows your traffic, and generates more leads. Different digital markets have found that articles with 1500 or more words generally prompts more shares of social media. It most probably is because more extended content tends to provide more developed viewpoints that stimulate engagement.

– Linkbacks
Longer articles most of the times address more data and has a high contribution towards massive conversions, as the content tends to provide experts and readers more points of reference. In simple words, the longer the article, the more comprehensive it becomes, and the higher number of backlinks that material will get from different sources. Additionally, backlinks and more traffic both can improve SEO.

– Conversions
Driving more conversions is another goal of many digital marketers. You can boost your website’s conversion by taking care of the number of words. Longer articles give you extra opportunities and more space to sell a specific product or services. However, writing more does not always give you results, and you must try various versions of your content to decide the length that creates most conversions.

How To Determine The Perfect Word Count?

Undoubtedly, long content has a lot of benefits as mentioned above, but that does not state that shorter contents don’t have any value. In fact, for some cases, a 500-word article can do a better job than 1100-word content. So, keeping an eye on the number of words before posting can aid you to select the perfect length. There are no hard and fast rules to determine the ideal word or character count; however, you can follow a few tips to ensure a reasonable word count:

– Keep the article natural
Today many web owners predetermine the word count, but if you want to determine the right count, then you must not do that. No matter what you have thought of the ideal length, you must not convert a 150-words content to a 500-word blog post by stuffing the article with keywords. Rather than doing that keeps the length natural as possible. You always should try to offer the content with quality information instead of composing strings of empty words.

– Know what is too short
While you must keep the article natural, remember that article which is very short can hurt you as well. A 150-word article or description will work well for the introduction of an infographic, but this length most of the times does not suffice for a blog post. So, if you see less number of words using a word counter, then you can find some other relevant information and add to it.

For more information, please visit our site: https://www.duplichecker.com/word-count-checker.php

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