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3 Technologies That Are Shaping Smart Utilities Of The Future

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The world of energy is transforming before us. More and more companies are turning to digital technologies as a way to revolutionize their operations. For that reason, monitoring, as well as diagnostics centers, are utilizing vast amounts of data available around them as a way to improve their performance and asset reliability. 

Here are the 3 technologies that are shaping smart utilities of the future. 

GIS Technology

As GIS technology becomes part of the office system of utilities, this helps the operators learn new things about the system and operations that can be helpful in formulating new solutions. What it allows is a transition from a static environment into a real-time environment where various types of data can be used to model the service network.  

One great example of this would be GIS mapping information that would improve infrastructure inspection, including the power lines, pipelines, water mains, street lights, and so on. Aside from that, it’s also helpful in network analyzation as well as asset management.  

Most experts also use this to integrate demographic, imagery, and even public data to come up with better analytics while having the ability to modify maintenance and reliability positively.  

If integrated properly, this information can be beneficial and reliable for those who are part of the construction project– this includes the repair crew, remote field staff, dispatchers, remote operation centers, and many more. 

Mobile Computing

Another unusual element that is being introduced in utilities nowadays would be mobile computing applications. This has changed the way surveys, and inspections are being executed. Likewise, the good thing about cloud computing is that it can easily communicate with other devices.  

For instance, it can transmit information to construction cones with sensors whenever there’s an issue within the area. Mobile computing applications also play a vital role in allowing real-time adjustment for workers, and it could perform repair activity in case there’s an unexpected request.  

Through this, companies will be able to enjoy remarkable savings in staff time, as well as fuel. It also allows a better number of service call completion.  

For field workers, they’ll be able to access aerial photos and satellite that are identical to those readily available in the office. This ensures instant coordination between the workers to determine the service areas they should work on. 

Aside from that, communications software is another form of technology that is shaping smart utilities. Basically, communications software utilizes innovative software technology, together with Internet  
Protocol to collect and unify several communication devices and techniques used in services.

Simply put, it’s a software that converts voice signals coming from any communicating device – such as mobile phone, radio, PDA, analog, PC, or digital telephones, into IP packets which are transported across an IP network that goes down to other devices.  

Experts believe that the IP domain offers outstanding flexibility that gives an idea of how traffic can be bridged, routed, or switched. This allows interoperability across different devices. 

The end result? Superior emergency response can be experienced as the utility workers will be able to dialogue with emergency responders, utility employees, and construction crews.  

Through this, different groups will also be able to bridge seamlessly with the help of a software, and instant conversations can be recorded, and this would be ready for playback. 

Wireless Technologies

Wireless technologies are being integrated and used in several ways to improve efficiency and productivity of modern utilities. In fact, the simplest way to make that happen is by providing real-time wireless connectivity between the service and staff. This leads to instant and effective communications, emergency response, infrastructure repair, and so on. 

Another basic use of wireless technologies would be the combination of smart meters and wireless communication that report back usage statistics, as well as other customer data to the utility headquarters.  

Furthermore, wireless technology is also used to auto-monitor the status of utility distribution networks, as well as standard equipment. These devices are known to be very helpful in giving real-time updates to those who are in charge. It also enables what’s popularly known as “condition-based” monitoring that makes it possible for the utility to perform proactive measures that allow them to avoid costly repairs in the long run. 

Overall, we can say that the utility industry is in the process of experiencing significant change, and positive results can be enjoyed as long as it would be willing to embrace these latest innovations. 

Author Bio 
Chris Giarratana is a digital marketing consultant who works with small business and nonprofits. He helps drive conversions and boost sales through SEO marketing, freelance copywriting, and PPC management. Learn more about Chris at www.strategybeam.com 

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