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4 Ways to Promote Yourself on Instagram

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Social media, especially Instagram and Facebook have become some of the most effective means of finding new customers for brands worldwide. There are more than 700 million Instagram users that you can connect with on a regular basis. Connecting with one percent of the total users is enough to move your business to the next level.

However, getting clients to follow your brand and feed on your content can take more effort than you think. You can post the most sensible materials and the most professional photos but end up with a handful of likes.

You need bold steps that are different from others to promote yourself on Instagram effectively. Stay deliberate on being found not just by your family and friends, but by strangers as well.
You can increase the number of Instagram followers and your popularity by using these bold four steps.

1. Share More
Social media is all about sharing your life’s adventures with your followers. There’s always a story behind a picture or an achievement. When you have hit a milestone, share it with the aim to enlighten others, educate or encourage.

Don’t make Instagram all about yourself, think about what you want your audience to feel or say about your posts. If you want real followers, you have to be real too through sharing content that is beneficial to the viewers.

2. Be Constant
Keeping your Instagram active is one way to keep the connections coming back and increasing your chances for new people to discover you. Social media moves on every day, and if you slack in updating your page, your followers will move on to other active handles and forget about you.

3. Give PIF(Pay It Forward) Offers
People love games and being the first to comment on a PIF post is a competition that’ll never grow old. Offer your products or services for free or at a significant discount to the first commenters. When others realize that they’re late, they may request more information on how to get your product or service even at a fee.

4. Use Other Networks To promote Instagram
You can get a good number of followers on Instagram, but to grow and become a dominant brand, you need to share in other social networks as well.
Each social website is unique and has its advantages. Post on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to reach a wider pool of followers. You cannot cut corners when looking for social media popularity. If the prospects do not come to you, then you have to go to them.


To keep your Instagram interesting and gather more Automatic Instagram Likes, you need to follow bold but consistent steps. It’s unfair to cower away and not promote yourself especially if you have a product or service that can help other people. Use quality media content such as videos and clear images.
An active Instagram is a full-time engagement. Keep the content relevant and flowing. Engage your followers and offer discounts once in a while. After some time, you’ll realize that through consistency you’ve gained a loyal community.

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