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Tips To Keep Your Online Business More Secure

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With technology advancing so rapidly in the past decade, the way that businesses are started and are run has changed a lot. Businesses are now capable of being run entirely online, without a need for a retail location, dozens of employees or a giant office. While this brings with it a lot of benefits, there are also some drawbacks that are important to know about.

Most notably, having all of your operations online open can open you up to potential data breaches, which are affecting Australia a lot in 2018. All over the world, cyber crime and data breaches are on the rise, and show no signs of slowing down. As a result, it is more important than ever to protect your company’s security.

This article will aim to take a closer look at some things you can do to keep your online business more secure. Make sure you check it out if some, or all, of your business is conducted online.

Use The Cloud

Where you store and keep the important information and data within your company is incredibly important. In the past, companies would often keep these files on local machines or on external hard drives. While those were decent methods methods, using cloud computing Perth is the way of the present and the future.

This method keeps all of your information in “the cloud”, so it will remain secure even if your companies machines get hacked, as no important data (hopefully) will be kept locally. Another big benefit of the cloud is in addition to protecting your information from hacks, it also protects you in the case of various emergencies. For example, if a power outage occurs or a computer breaks or stops working, you don’t have to worry about losing your data or progress.

Utilize Strong Passwords And 2FA

Despite how obvious this may seem to some, there are still companies that don’t use strong passwords for their tools, software or even employee accounts. A strong password is one that is long and comprised of numbers, symbols and letters. Also, it is highly recommended that passwords don’t be linked to the company or account holder, either. 2FA (two factor authentication) generally requires account holders to provide something else to prove identity such as fingerprint or a unique code.

In addition to strong passwords and 2FA, you should also restrict access when possible. This means that you can control who has access to sensitive information and data that your company uses. Normally, only people who need the information for work should be able to see it. Many data breaches and leaks are actually caused by worker error, so be careful who you give access to.

Monitor And Manage Your Logs Automatically

If you run an online business, there is a high likelihood that you use at least a few kinds of software. When you use software, most of them create what are called logs. Logs are a time stamped documentation of events that are automatically created by the software itself. These logs can help you identify certain events throughout the history of the software and your use of it.

So for example, if an error or other issue occurs somewhere in the software, the logs will likely hold the answer to where. However, manually searching through thousands of logs can be incredibly painstaking and probably won’t yield any results. That’s why you should use a tool that can automatically monitor and manage your logs. As you could imagine, this is very beneficial for both security and compliance, and is worth looking into.

We , hope this blog post has been able to help you come up with a few great ways to ensure your online business is safe and secure. Putting some effort into your online security can save you lots of time and money in the future by preventing costly and damaging security breaches.

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