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Creating A Beautiful Feed on Your Brand’s Instagram: Finding Your Perfect Style

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If you want to gain followers, have more visitors and an overall increase in engagement on your brand’s Instagram account, then it’s time for ‘Pimp my Instagram.’ The author of this article is no Xzibit, and I am not going to ‘Pimp Your Ride, but if you are looking for some advice on how to get your products and brand seen by more people, or how to grow a strong following of loyal customers using Instagram, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a little secret; it’s all about your Instagram feed.

But, before we get to the tips and tricks, make sure to take a look at a law essay example in case you also need some help with paper and essay writing; these guys are experts and they offer essay examples and samples too. So, if you want to find out how to create a unique and outstanding Instagram account for your brand, then keep on reading.

Instagram Aesthetics

The aesthetics of your Instagram account has to translate the meaning and the purpose of your brand. The proper Instagram aesthetics also communicates the vibes you’re trying to promote, so an aesthetic-centric delivery provides an insight into your company, the services you offer, and even the lifestyle you are ‘selling.’ Moreover, choosing the right Instagram aesthetics can make your brand memorable, recognizable, and most importantly, perceived as the ‘influencer account’ by the millennials. So, in order to choose the proper Instagram aesthetics, according to PageCloud, you’ll need to follow this advice:

• Get to know your audience first
• Choose a consistent color scheme
• Design the grid and make sure it stays cohesive and consistent
• Edit the images before posting
• Add your brand’s logo to the images

Instagram Themes

Instagram is used nowadays for advertising and promotion of small business all around the world. The one thing all these businesses and their successful accounts have in common is Instagram themes. These themes are basically the representation of the brand’s aesthetics, alongside being a proof of the brand’s professionalism and serious approach to providing the best content for the visitors, who will hopefully turn into long-term customers. So, what you need to do to create a truthful Instagram theme is the following:

• Determine your brand’s visual story
• Choose several different ‘subjects’ that are representing your brand
• Make sure to ‘space out’ the chosen ‘subjects.’
• Look into your competitors’ Instagram themes and learn from them
• Learn how to take excellent photos
• Be very picky about the content you post
• Use stunning branded graphics
• Use the appropriate filter, matching your brand’s aesthetics, and stick to it

Photo Sequences

Nowadays, brands on Instagram are being promoted in different ways, one of them being the so-called ‘photo sequence’ of ‘photo slideshow,’ achieved by using Adobe Photoshop. Brands, businesses and individuals on Instagram are using special sequencing techniques that respond to the ways the visitors of their account view their photos.

So, if you have decided to try out creating a photo sequence on your Instagram feed, here’s what you need;

• A book; you can use any book that you will later edit
• A digital camera for high-quality images, or a smartphone
• A tripod; this part is optional, but if you want to avoid shaky hands and unsteady photos, you should get a tripod to achieve clear images
• Slideshow apps; these can be extremely helpful, but video-editing apps will do the job as well

Moreover, when trying to create a photo sequence, it is important to look out for special moments, that are truthful of your brand, products, and services you offer. So, make sure to only post sequences that make sense, and that will directly communicate your brand to the visitors. Also, organize the stories properly so they will look cohesive on the slideshow. Here are some tips on how to actually create a photo sequence:

• Use an existing template; use services that provide starter template
• Create a template from scratch using Adobe Photoshop
• Use apps for creating video slideshows
• Edit the story using the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl+T) in Photoshop to position the photos

High-Quality Photos

The pictures you post on the brand’s Instagram account are extremely important. It is critical to choose high-quality images to post on the account as they are the actual advertisement that turns account visitors into customers. There are, luckily, numerous ways to create exceptional photos, especially for Instagram. Whether you are interested in image-editing or using photography apps, here are some tips according to WimArys Photography on how to achieve high-quality photos:

• Use Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop
• Play with the Tools tab to adjust size and resolution
• Use a plug-in called JPEGmini to automatically compress images without quality loss
• Use photo resizer for Windows, Android or iOS
• Make sure to auto-enhance the photos, regardless of the format
• Touch up the contrast and the sharpness of the images
• Avoid using the front camera; only use back camera for higher quality

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