Building A Large EMP Protection Container

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In today’s world, the possibility of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) is a real possibility. When most people think about EMP, they think about it in terms of warfare. This is a real and present possibility, but it is not the only possibility. It is a little-known fact that EMP can be naturally occurring.

Lightning is a perfect example of naturally occurring EMP as it is a pure source of electricity and electromagnetic fields. Every lightning strike produces an EMP which can then travel a great deal farther than most people would think. When considering EMP, it is also worth considering that there are actually several different types. There are radiated EMP, magnetic field EMP, electric current EMP, and a conducted electric current. While all of these are incredibly similar, there are a few differences as well.

Regardless of the type or how it occurs, an EMP can be devastating. The reason for this is that it can wipe out any and all nearby electronic devices. Have you ever wondered how a lightning strike can short out a TV or other electronic device in your home? It is caused by the EMP that is released during the strike. Of course, if the EMP is part of a warfare tactic, it will have a long range and will be able to render any device in its path useless. This is why it is important to find ways to protect your equipment from the EMP. The best way to do this is with a device known as a Faraday cage. While this product does not actually resemble a cage in appearance, that is exactly what is. Here, you will learn how to build your own large EMP protection container.

The first step is determining exactly how much space you are going to need for your equipment. To make this determination, you must first decide which devices you need to protect and how many there will be. If you only have a few small items, a small cage will work just fine, if you need to protect large items or a large number of items, a larger container is called for. Therefore, you must first take stock of what you are placing in the container. It is important to note, that anything placed in a homemade Faraday cage will not be accessible on a regular basis. Once your items have been sealed in the cage, you will only be able to open it once without damaging it and having to rebuild if you decide to store it again.

There is always the option of buying a Faraday cage or bag which allows for more freedom when it comes to access to the devices contained. Keep in mind, however, that the point of placing these items in the cage in the first place is to protect them from possible EMP. If you are constantly removing the items from the cage, it defeats the purpose. This is why most people purchase extra devices to store in the cage rather than their everyday ones. If you are new to the idea of shielding from EMPs, it is best to take a bit of time to educate yourself before making decisions.

It is at this point, that you will need to gather the items you intend to store in your homemade Faraday cage. Remember, this is specifically for a large storage container, but there are many smaller options, some of which will be briefly described in the following sections. If you have not already purchased the items that you want to store, now is the time to do it. There are many cheap options available, Ebay is an excellent tool for finding inexpensive devices of every nature. Radioshack and other similar stores are also a great place to look. Common items stored in Faraday cages include a phone, walkie-talkies, crank radio, weather radio, CB radio, and equipment. Many people are also storing entertainment devices such as MP3 players and e-readers. Of course, if you are going to have any type of rechargeable device, you will also need a way to charge them. In the event of a major EMP, a man made one of the epic proportions, there is the likelihood that there will not be any power which is why many people are choosing to include a solar charger in their Faraday as well. This way, you will be able to charge all of those devices so long as you have access to sunlight.

Now that you have gathered all of the devices that you want to store, you need to gather the supplies that you will need to build your container. The first thing that you will need is cardboard, preferably in box form. For this large container, you will need some of the cardboard to be in sheet form, but you can simply disassemble some of the boxes for this. Your best resource for getting all of the cardboard that you will need is local grocery stores. Other types of stores will work as well, but grocery stores are the most likely to have the number of boxes that you will need. All you have to do is ask whoever is working at the time if you can have the boxes leftover from their shipments. If you live in an area where it is not illegal to dumpster dive, you can simply find where their dumpster area is and take whatever boxes they may have thrown out. If they do not have any boxes today, check again tomorrow.

Grocery stores get shipments quite frequently, sometimes every day. If you ask, they should be able to tell you when they will have more boxes available. When it comes to choosing sizes, do not discriminate, you will need various sizes during the process, it is better to have more than you need than to be missing the size that you needed. You will also need copious amounts of aluminum foil. The cheapest will work just as well as the more expensive, so do not worry about which type to buy. Plastic wrap or plastic baggies are also needed. Again, the cheap will work just fine. A few pieces of cloth will also be helpful but is not necessarily required. If you are making a small container, this is all you will need, but for a large container, you will also need a galvanized steel trash can.

Line the can in cardboard, make sure to cover every inch, including the lid. Put each device is a size appropriate box. Wrap the box in plastic wrap or place it in a baggie. Wrap all of that in multiple layers of foil and then place it in the cardboard lined can. Be sure the foil does not touch the metal of the can. Once you have wrapped each device and placed it in the can, put the lid on and you are done. Protection Status