How to Build a Memorable Brand


Branding has always been a key part of business. Whether you are self-employed and hoping to attract more clients, or you are a big company hoping to increase sales among your target market, you will need to build a brand that stands out from the rest. Traditionally, a logo and word of mouth was all you needed to have a reputable name. While these are still essential aspects to a brand, there is much more to it during this age of the internet. To help you get started on your brand, it’s a good idea to take note of some important ideas.

Focus on Design and Content

Your business logo and website design are often the first things people will see. As a result, it must be eye-catching if you want to attract more people to learn more about you and what your business is all about. If you are not a graphic designer, it can be difficult to make a professional logo without using a tool like Logo Design. However, once you have got to grips with the easy-to-use software, you can bring your logo, sleek website, and social media channels together to increase the visual awareness of your brand.

Written content will always be an integral part of building a brand, as it allows a business or individual to find their voice and show it to their target market. Yet social media and the evolution of the blog mean that people are just as likely to relate to video content or funny pictures. This is also a great way of putting a personal touch to your brand, where you can show your target market how invested you are. Having a great camera will help you do this; one which can shoot short, high-quality videos and photographs.

What is Your Brand’s Voice?

In the modern world, people are more likely to remember a brand that has a human face and a genuine voice behind the business mask. Without it, people can lose trust in a brand or remember it for all the wrong reasons. On your website, you should focus on writing an About page which has a perfect blend of personal touches and professionalism. Depending on what your business is, you may want to adopt a colloquial voice, which can be built on when you promote your brand on social media sites.

When it comes to businesses these days, being ethical has become a huge selling point for many people. Brands like Lush Cosmetics rely on their charitable efforts and it persona of being ethical to sell products, which have become a defining aspect of their brand. Without it, their brand would not have the same impact on customers. The same can be said for numerous other areas of business, whether you are among the new generation of social media influencers, or wishing to start your own business. Once you have started ethically branding yourself or your business, people will feel emotionally drawn in by who you are.