Web Design Tips All Plumbing Websites Need To Increase Leads


When looking at most plumbing websites on the internet, it is clear that most of them feature a very bad web design. The sites are simply not attractive and they do not manage to generate the leads that could be possible. What you want to do is create something as effective as possible so here are some web design tips that helped specialists at Fix It Right Plumbing in Sydney to increase the leads they were getting through the content present on the domain name.

Professional Logo
The professional logo needs to exist since it serves various purposes. It is capable of legitimizing a company and jumpstarts branding. Most plumbing logos are simply ugly. You want something that relates to the type of business you do and you need to invest money into professional brand design. Having a website that does not have a quality logo is practically useless.

Clear Call To Actions
Call to actions are absolutely vital for the success of any website but particularly important for those that rely on leads. On a plumbing site we normally have 2 types of CTAs that are used:

– Call a phone number
– Fill out a form

The best thing that you can do is to use them both. Seriously consider using a very clear CTA right under website header. Make it really simple for the visitor to contact customer service representatives. Highlight why people should get in touch and make it as clear as possible.

Services Lists
Most people do not actually know much about the services that a plumber delivers. Google also does not know what you offer. The search engine is interested in giving users answers to search queries. It is exactly what you want to do. Always give users a list of all the services that are offered. It is best to have them visible as soon as visitors land on the website. Use boxes and icons in order to showcase everything that the plumbing company can do for clients.

Using Sticky Headers
Sticky headers are really good in plumbing websites. The sticky header is practically a functionality that will minimize header section when the visitor moves down the page. The header becomes static and it is always visible right at the top.

It is a shame to see the lack of the sticky headers since they are highly effective at increasing leads. They keep the CTA and the contact information in vision. When someone is convinced of the fact that he/she wants to contact the plumber, how to do this is already visible on the website.

Responsive Design
Although the year is 2018, most plumbing websites are not responsive. This is a huge mistake and will drastically hurt the possibility of generating leads. Around 80% of consumers are going to close the site if it does not display well. The problem is that we have so many different devices that are used to access the internet these days, ranging from small smartphones to HDTV sets.

Responsive website design is needed for the website of any service provider. It is capable of automatically resizing sites based on device used to browse.