3 Questions To Ask & Answer When Crafting The Best Fitness Website Design

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Few niches are as limitless as fitness. There are so many ways to make money from the fitness industry, that it can become overwhelming picking a focus. After a focus is picked, its harder to ensure you differentiate your project from the hundreds of thousands of sites that are available and have been around longer.

In this brief guide, we look at the three important questions to ask when you are building a fitness website project for ensuring a solid design.

What is the aim of your fitness website project?

Many designers get wrapped up in the idea that a fitness website has to be filled with pumping iron and harder elements to signify strength. They build the site to be focused on appearing as masculine as possible by default and end up alienating visually a lot of the female visitors.

If your fitness website project is for a gym to attract leads, unless it’s an all male or all female gym, neutral is the best solution. That said, it should be easy to navigate, find out hours and cost, benefits, and easily put their information in as quickly as possible.

More often than not, fitness leads are best acted on as quickly as possible, so the more quickly they can enter their info while curious, the faster a specialist or person from the gym can get back to them.
Secondary, it should be easy to lead them to like their fitness page or connect with them on other social media without being pushy.

Many of the users who buy gym memberships, supplements, and other fitness products aren’t hardcore fitness aficionados; they’re curious people stumbling in either out of desperation or a driving force to change something about themselves physically, whether health or aesthetically.

When crafting the best fitness website design, it’s important to know your audience and to look at competitor sites is the first step to see what is working and what isn’t.

Which brings us to the next point.

What do other designs not do well that you can do better?

When looking at competitors sites, see how they connect with their clients via design.

– Do they focus on using their staff’s background to build a connection?
– Do they put prices first to show how affordable they are?
– How do they upsell or convert visitors into clients using their platform?

Some competitors will be complex whilst others will have just a one-page scrolling site that is mobile optimized.There are also plenty of examples of Fitness sites with clean and minimalistic design.

The Design Itself

When a design is finalized, it should be able to not only withstand the competition but should have a distinct benefit that is particular to your business/focus. While matching competitors is important, even if you do the same service/job/go over the same information, how you deliver it/your particular business model is going to be different.

So be careful not to get bogged down in the details and focus on what fits your brand/business.

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