Can You Run a Successful Blog on Your Phone?

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Smartphones are getting more capable. The newer chipsets now offer immense processing power, allowing smartphones to handle more complex tasks like video editing without breaking a sweat. There are also more apps that allow you to do plenty of work on the go.

The latest trend is business owners and creative workers relying on their smartphones for the majority of their work. Aside from capable flagship phones and great apps, a new wave of accessories is making this trend more sustainable. We are going to put this concept to the test and see if it is possible to run a blog using nothing but a phone.

Content Creation at Its Best

Smartphone cameras are perfect for blogging and vlogging. Most smartphones, even the low- and mid-end options, now come with cameras capable of producing high-quality images for web use. A lot of professional bloggers are switching to smartphone cameras and ditching their DSLRs because of the improved results.

Smartphones aren’t just good for taking pictures and making videos. Typing on a smartphone may not be the best way to write long articles, but you can easily pick up a foldable Bluetooth keyboard to remedy that comfort issue.

Of course, uploading your contents to the blog is just as easy, especially since you already have a cellular connection built into the phone. For bigger contents like videos, all you need to do is find a free Wi-Fi hotspot to use.

Digital Marketing on the Go

Running a blog isn’t just about posting content regularly. You also need to interact with your audience on a regular basis. On top of that, you need to run digital marketing campaigns to further promote the blog and attract more audience.

For digital marketing, Android phones are slightly better than their iOS counterparts. Native Google apps grant you access to tools like Google Analytics and AdWords; your website statistics are always a couple of taps away.

You can even do complex search engine optimizations or SEO and your own social media campaign from the phone. The truth is SEO services can be expensive but considering how important SEO is – with 33% clicks going to the first site in search results and 8% click on the second-ranking – being able to do it comfortably on a smartphone is a huge plus.

Naturally, you have the option to hire digital marketing experts and communicate with them through your phone for a more comprehensive campaign. The experts will use laptops and desktop computers as they work on your site, but you don’t have to.

Doing so is a very effective way to cut airtime cost. But you know what’s better? Being able to communicate with your digital marketing experts over the phone FOR FREE– you won’t have to pay for anything at all. This is what makes Freedompop a really popular choice. Read Freedompop Review now to learn more about it.

Monetizing the Blog

You can’t be a professional blogger without monetizing your blog. Once again, going with Android rather than iOS gives you more flexibility when it comes to managing the monetization part of the site you run.

Aside from AdSense, which also has a native app for both iOS and Android, you can access different advertising networks using their native apps. You can monitor the performance of your pages and make necessary adjustments without having to switch to a laptop.

Even accessing the advertising revenue is easy using a smartphone. You can request a withdrawal directly from the app. This whole exercise really shows how you can be anywhere in the world and still produce quality content, engage the audience actively, and make money running a successful blog by yourself. Protection Status