7 Signs You’re a Candidate for a New Website


Your business must have the best image possible, and your website is no exception. The point is that the website is usually the first place that your clients and potential partners are going to check to learn about your business.

Restructuring your business website is a great deal. Ensure to review the list provided below to see if the time to craft a new website has come. Mind that we are not trying to diagnose a need that does not exist. This is just a short list of signs that prove that your website needs to go.

There’s No Clear Purpose of Your Website

The key goal of the business website is to simplify the process of achieving the overall business goals. Usually, this translates into a couple of common online goals like supporting marketing efforts, building credibility, providing users with valuable info and increasing sales. Nonetheless, just having a website never guarantees to accomplish the goals mentioned above. For instance, does your website properly demonstrate your identity and brand? Let’s say, you run a custom writing business specialized in helping students with their academic troubles. If your website doesn’t look like CheapEssay.net (which is well-structured and has a purpose that becomes clear at first sight), it’s time to redesign your website.

Loading Lasts for Ages

Let’s face it, we all tend to have short attention spans. Besides, our patience leaves a lot to be desired. We want every single piece of the world wide web to be lightning-fast. Does your site take more than 5 seconds to load? Get ready to lose a third of your potential customers. No matter how ridiculous this statistics is, the reality is that the longer your website takes to load, the more visitors will abandon your resource. The other crucial point to take into account here: Google considers the speed of the site in their search ranking algorithms. In other words, if your website is slow, it is going to fall further down the search results’ list.

The Site Is NOT HTTP

HTTPs is used to encrypt info that the website owner sends between the browser and the server. The process is supported by the SSL certificate. Thus, your website visitors’ information is under some solid protection, which means their logins or credit card information will never be shared with the third parties.

Some time ago, only websites with sensitive info had been HTTPs. However, now it’s become the standard due to the fact that it’s easier to implement now. With the bunch of hacks, online users prefer safe websites and are fed up with trusting the resources that don’t have a crystal-clear reputation.

Nobody Calls You on the Phone

Have you noticed you’re not getting enough inquiries while your telephone has been ringing less? Have you seen a decrease in inquiries or sales from your site? No matter how much traffic your website gets, the absence of a steady increase in sales or leads means your site has a problem converting visitors to clients, guests or leads.

Your Website Doesn’t Work on ALL Browsers

If you built your site somewhere in the 90’s, there’s might be a note somewhere at the bottom that informs your users that “This website works best on Internet Explorer 6.0+”. If that’s your story, chances are you’re already facing formatting problems when it comes to the newer web browsers. Make sure your web developer supports each of the existing browsers before you sign a contract.

There Are No Links to Your Social Media Accounts

At the moment, having a strong social media presence is a must. If you haven’t shared your accounts with the target audience on your website yet, then the question is – how on earth are they going to find you? The truth is that social media provides fantastic opportunities for those willing to build a solid relationship and keep in touch with potential and regular clients, as well as promote your business. Just include all the social links in the footer or the header of your website, or the “About Us”/“Contact Us” page. Thus, your customers will be aware of where all your updates can be found.

It Simply Doesn’t Look Good

Taking into account the fact that mobile search is getting more popular than desktop, searchers won’t stay for too long on the website that is outdated. The reality is that the majority of Internet users would rather read something that is attractively designed than something tasteless. When asked what they consider the number one factor in deciding the business credibility is, most of the users mentioned the design of the site. An eye-unfriendly website can make your business look unprofessional and out-of-date, as well as may cause the user to abandon the source.