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Customized Web Design vs. Pre-made Web Template

Divi WordPress Theme

Every business there it today might see the need to create a website that would increase their popularity and in turn, their sales. Bringing your business in the digital world can help you get a lot of great opportunities. In a way, your company’s website can be your company’s main means of attracting customers.

The good thing about creating a website for your business is that it has been made effortless today than it was in the past years thanks to the growing number of expert web developers in the field and WordPress. However, even if you have some help, there are still some critical decisions you have to make, starting with whether you prefer to go with a template website or a custom-made website design.

If you’re still debating on which choice to make, here’s a list of pros and cons of each option:

Pre-Made Website Template

These website designs are, as the name implies, ready-made and just needed to be set-up. However, you also can do some minor modifications to fit your preference.


It Looks Good – You can never go wrong with going with a template website since it has been modified and improved by web developers over the years. It has a professional touch that would surely look appealing to small business owners.
It Doesn’t Cost Much – Since the websites are already pre-made, it doesn’t cost that much to set it up. You can also do some minor modifications which could lower the cost much more.
Easy and Quick to Set-Up – Since the code is already there, all that is left to do is to set it up unless you have more minor modifications. But other than that, template websites are usually less time-consuming than a custom website design.


It’s Already Being Used by Other People – Due to its popularity, there might be other small business owners who are using the same template as you. This can make your business less appealing.
Affects SEO – Site speed is an important ranking factor. Most templates may have slow site speed which can lead to search engines penalizing your website. As a result, your website could get lost among sea of other websites.
More Prone to Being Hacked – Since template websites are used commonly, a lot of people are already familiar with the code making your site more exposed to hackers.


Customized Website Design

This type of website are basically built from scratch and can be made exactly to fit your visions. Big companies usually have their websites customized.


Flexible – Your website can be made according to your liking. So basically, when it comes to the design of your website, sky is the limit.
Extremely Secure – Unlike pre-made template websites, custom-made websites are built with a solid security in mind. The codes that are used are also unique which makes it harder for hackers to penetrate the site’s security.
Good for SEO – Customized websites can also have a better search engine rankings. Search engines promote custom web design simply because it is personalized and built to be user-friendly.


Takes Longer to Make – Since original codes are used to build a website from scratch, it could take some time to be completed. And the more complicated and elaborate the site, the longer it is to be finished.
Can be Expensive – Unless you’re an expert web developer or programmer, the cost of creating a website could be over $20,000 depending on the design company.

In the end, whether you own a small business or a large corporation, having a good website can help you get the visibility and establish credibility. If you want your expand your business, then putting it into the World Wide Web could be the best decision to make. The more professional-looking it is, the better it is for your company.

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