4 Web Hosting Factors That Help You Gain High SEO Rankings


Every business has to fight SEO battles to dominate digital market. The capacity to enhance audience reach and increase sales depend widely on the rankings you attain in SERPs. Hence, every business cares about getting SEO excellence online.

It is true that search engines choose hundreds of ranking factors to judge your business site. Some of them belong to the web hosting you obtain.

This article presents hosting wordpress sites that can help you achieve high SEO rankings. These factors, when in excellent condition, provide a foundation to site’s SEO. Otherwise, you can lose your rankings. So, learn and apply when choosing your hosting service.

1. Page load speed

Every search engine cares about user experience. That is why they expect you to provide fast loading pages, which don’t take too long to load. SEO experts try different ways to optimize page load for better speed. However, those techniques can’t work if your host is not capable of providing reliable server speed.
With a fast server, you can quickly optimize your web pages with quality images, videos, and media and expect quick load time. Hence, your site rankings improve on SERPs.

2. Uptime

Your site is not applicable to gain high rankings if it goes down again and again. You need a host that offers top-notch uptime almost up to 100%. This way, you can ensure an alive website that allows users to access your pages whenever they want. Every time a search engine bot crawls your site, you will get top marks and receive high rankings in the process. Of course, the uptime should be complemented by other valuable SEO efforts.

3. Server location

Search engines try to provide local results in result pages. For that, they scan server location of a site. So, if a location is far away from your business location, it can confuse search engines. However, if you choose a web host that is near to your business location, you can obtain better SEO rankings in relevant SERPs. Plus, server performance will also increase due to proximity. For instance, you can compare Godaddy Vs a different host according to the server location and choose the better one.

4. Security

In the modern-age of digitization, security has become a prime requirement. Every customer desires a secure platform to access information. That is why search engines have also started giving preference to this aspect.
You can improve your SEO ranking opportunities by choosing a secure web host. A web host with secure servers, SSL support, and HTTPS domain can help you improve your rankings for sure. While SSL keeps communication encrypted, HTTPS provides a secure platform to access your site. Hence, you don’t send any red signals to search engines.

You can expect shared as well as dedicated hosting packages when searching. A shared hosting includes multiple users on one server. However, dedicated hosting offers you a private server with provider’s assistance. Evaluate your business size to choose shared or dedicated hosting. You can even consult an expert before making a final decision.