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3 Trends in Web Design This Year

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If you’re browsing through the various websites or need to make one of your very own, be prepared for what you’re about to see. Web designers have raised the level of their game, and this year has seen more top trends in web design than ever before.

Here are the top three trends in web design in 2018. Some of them don’t feel like they are very new, but these trends are a must-have when it comes to any website design.

Turning to Mobile

Let’s face it, the majority of online visits come from a mobile device. Just as the commercial for iPad Pro suggests, children these days are growing up with laptops and computers virtually heading for extinction. The girl in the memorable commercial says, “What’s a laptop?”. Making the mobile version of a website is priority number one. Most website designer templates are adaptable for the mobile version.

Bold Fonts and Bright Colors

We’re in the age of short attention spans. Combining bold colors with a light background and bright colors with moving and innovative pictures can grab your viewers attention, if only for a fleeting moment. However, typographic expression can truly grasp your potential customer for the few minutes you need to swing them in.

Advanced Scroll Trigger Animations

You’re scrolling down a website, and a graphic or link slowly fades into place. Instead of in-your-face appearance, these animations are strategically placed and minimalistic, looking clean cut and not scaring you as you have your finger on the scroll trigger and you’re afraid of what may come next. Instead of going to the menus of websites and trying to navigate, a smooth scroll can take you through all the pages that the website has to offer, which gives you all that you need right there in front of you at your fingertips. This is the future of technology — ease of access and minimal work for the user.

These three top web trends for 2018 are ones that are popping up through website designs from your most simplistic furniture store to your high tech brand name, like Apple. Each of these websites is competing against one another for your attention, so stop spending all of your attention on a term paper.

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