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Show Don’t Tell: 4 Benefits of Professional Photos for Your Design Business

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No matter the product, service, or who your target customers are, your design business has to attract and engage with people. In fact, you have a little over just 8 seconds to impress a potential client. This is because your client is a visual being with a huge percentage of the brain devoted to visual processing, and everyone is attracted to impactful and bright colored photography.

Whether you are selling your product via printed materials, your website, billboard, or on your social media pages, image appeal is critical. You might have great skills when working your smartphone’s camera, but when it comes to product design photography, the best thing is to go professional. Keep on reading to know why a professional photo is necessary to make your design business shine.

Showcase Your Products

If your business is into selling design products with a strong visual component like architecture, food, or clothing, you already understand how important it is to highlight them in your marketing materials. A professional photo can do more than just display the products; it also shows them in the best light. While your design business may be small or just making it big, high-quality images will make it look more established and much larger, and will help show that what you have on the market is different from what your bigger rivals are offering.

According to Photomodeler.com you can add more information into one photo, especially critical components if you’re designing physical products. On the other hand, services might be harder to capture, but professional photos will still help you. Consider showing your services in action, images of satisfied clients alongside their testimonials, or even having a gallery of finished results on your website.

Expand Your Opportunities

When you have photos of your services or products, you can easily use them across different public platforms whenever you find an opportunity. For instance, you can share the photos with bloggers or reporters writing about your designs; and the images will show your best results. You can even upload the images to your website as a portfolio that clients can easily download.

You should also think of having photographs taken of your products or services in special events like galas and conferences. This will help you rack up the number of product images you can use for your promotional materials, as well as next year’s marketing event – if it’s an annual experience.

Let Your Brand Personality Shine

Product and service design photos are a great way of showing your business’ personality. While stock images will communicate whatever you want to your clients, real people, products and services are a much better option. Such authentic photos allow clients to make a personal connection with your brand, boosting their perception of your credibility and trustworthiness.

In addition, professional headshots of your design team in your About Us page will help clients put a face to a name – quickly converting visitors into clients. You get extra points for adding props in your team pictures! You can also share your social media feed, but make this an addition to and not an alternative.

Stand Out

If you have a highly recognizable employee, product or even an office block, do not hesitate showing it off! Consider including hero images in your printed materials and website. Plus, consider doing things a bit different from what your competitors are doing.
Share great images of what makes you stand out from the crowd all across your marketing efforts, and people will remember you. One way of doing this is enlisting the help of a professional photographer.

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