Deploy Your Django App With Heroku


Django app deployment on Heroku makes sharing your application easier than ever! Find out the details here.

Heroku is a revolutionary cloud management and deployment service for your application. Their business model focuses on three main points; deploy, manage, and scale.
They want to make it easier for developers to focus on their coding and the construction of the app instead of wasting time with server-side infrastructure and scaling issues. Building applications and managing servers are two totally different skill sets, and it’s hard to be great at both. If you’re trying to do both, you’re just going to end up spreading yourself thin, and your work will suffer as a result.

Essentially, Heroku allows developers to host their application on the cloud. They also offer full maintenance and scaling services that will allow you to focus your full attention on coding and development. In this brief, we’re going to going to go over the basics of Django app deployment on Heroku.

Getting Started

Heroku supports most popular development languages; Node, Ruby, Java, Python, PHP, and GO. After you build your app, you simply implement Heroku, which will upload all of your program’s branches and separate Django environments and compile them. It will then host the program where it can be easily accessed online.

Create an Account
The first step is to create your Heroku account. It’s easy to sign up for a free account on their website. Their free account provides a good sandbox environment to test out all of the functionality and learn how to use it. It’s also good if you’re just a hobbyist and want to host a project for your portfolio or to show your friends.
However, if you’re trying to build a large application, and need a more advanced infrastructure that can be easily scaled, then they offer plenty of professional packages as well. These will allow you to maximize the full potential of their cloud service.

Download the CLI
The next step is to download their Command Line Interface. You will install this directly onto your system, and it will interact with your bash editor or command line. This will allow you to properly implement Heroku actions within your development environment.

Configure Your Django App For Heroku

Before you deploy your app, you need to configure a few things. The first thing that you need to do is to specify your coding language version as well as the Heroku version that you will be using. This will prevent in cross-version mix-ups that can cause bugs. After this, you will need to set up your database and configure some basic Django settings in your runtime environment.

Deploy Your App

Now that everything is set up, you’re ready to begin your Django app deployment on Heroku! This part couldn’t be any more simple. All you need to do is log in to your Heroku account via your command line, and then push your program directly up the line. Any updates or additional migrations that you need to do will be made in this same manner.

For as long as your app is hosted on Heroku, they will provide you with an active log of everything that is going on. You will be notified every time that there are users on your app, and most importantly any time that there are any errors that need to be addressed.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it! Heroku is one of the easiest ways to host your application. Whether you just created a small application and want to share it with your friends, or you have a large app that you want to scale into a business, Heroku has a package for you that will make your life a thousand times easier.