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​How To Design a Law Firm Website

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As you are likely aware, more people are on the internet than ever before and they use it to do research, buy products and more. And you can bet that if an individual needs a lawyer for something, they are going to go online searching for one.
As a result, it is incredibly important for attorneys and law firms to have superbly designed websites. However, designing a website for a law firm isn’t like designing any old website, and there are some things you want to make sure you do. With that in mind, here are a few different tips on how to design a law firm website.

Make Sure Your Design it Responsively

The number of people that are using the internet isn’t the only thing that is changing, so is how they use the internet. While the internet used to primarily be used on a computer, there is a growing amount of people using mobile devices to access the internet.

As a result, you need your website to be responsive. A responsive website is one that will allow for a tailored experience for all devices, no matter their resolution, screen size or processing power. This will mean that whether a potential client is browsing your website on their computer, tablet or phone; your site will look and perform perfectly.

Your Contact Information Should Be Easy and Convenient

The ultimate goal of any website for a business is to convert visitors into customers. Of course, you need a solid and engaging website, but you need to make it easy for an individual to reach out to you. If your contact information form is hidden somewhere in the middle of the content, it might get missed, which could lose you a customer.

Not only that, but you should have your contact information plastered throughout the site so people can easily see and find your phone number, email address, address and other information wherever they are. This should include the header, footer and possibly even throughout the content a time or two as well.

Have Information/A Bio For Each Attorney
In order for a person to feel comfortable working with your firm, they need to get to know the individuals who work there. You should include a bio or some information about their philosophy, as it will help individuals get to know the lawyers they might someday be working with. Some law firms do a great job at this (https://washingtoninjury.com) while others do not.

If your attorneys use social media, this is also a great place to put links to their profiles, so potential clients can follow along with your attorneys in their day to day lives. You don’t want your firm or attorneys to feel robotic or emotionless.

You Should Have Content on Your Website
Content marketing is great and all law firms should be taking advantage of it. You should be running a blog on your site, and updating it decently frequently as well. These can also help your site rank on Google for a variety of different terms.

These articles or blog posts should provide meaningful value to people reading, and not just be one large advertisement for your company. If you link your content to the areas that you practice, that’s even better.

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