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5 Essential Features of a Viable Human Resources Software

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The end of the year makes an ideal time to reflect on the year’s performances and to make new resolutions for the new year. As a business owner, your human resources department is the most important within your company. The unit is vital in hiring, firing, payroll, benefits, and understanding all tax and employment laws.
As such, it needs the best possible software that will allow it to ensure a seamless execution of its responsibilities. Read on to learn more about the essential features of the right HR software.


The department collects and manages plenty of data from your employees and other third-party sources. This data is essential in making hiring, promotion, and job decisions. With the reporting feature, it’s easier to identify the trends and any common issues that may arise. This gives you and your team essential insights on how to streamline and improve your human resources.

Reporting is particularly crucial if you have multiple locations for your company. The software could track employee data across all sites, and you can see the data at a central location. There are also some services that offer APIs, which you can use to integrate with other software solutions to access HR data.

Employee Management

In any work environment, there is nothing convenient as having a central tool for managing your entire workforce. Think about all things that are involved with every single employee, including onboarding, benefits, overtime, compensation, taxes, and PTO. This gives you access to every crucial detail of your employees.

If you have contracted or hourly employees, a management tool also makes it easier for you to calculate their compensation. As your workforce increases, you’ll need a comprehensive software that allows you to tackle payroll and employee scheduling duties. Plus, you’ll need to calculate overtime and PTO at the time.

Learning and Development Feature

One of the best ways to sustain a productive and quality workforce is through continuous learning. The purpose of training is to create change and keep your staff up to date on the latest techniques and developments in your industry. The right software will allow you to manage the training and gauge employee proficiency after every stage.

Training management improves employee’s performance and workforce efficiency. Plus, you can measure the effectiveness of your training programs. The feature also allows you to stay on top of all the critical aspects of training from budget to requests.

Employee Review System

Days of using Bell Curve or pitting employees against one another to assess their performance are long gone. G2Crowd has a human resources software directory that offers solutions that best suit your needs. A good software takes into account various factors when assessing their performance, including career goals, connections, past performance, and capabilities.

The review feature gathers advanced analytics about your team and uses them to review their performance on particular roles and tasks. This way, you’ll get all the information you want to make compensation performance decisions.

Self Service

You don’t need to overburden your HR staff with tasks that your employees could otherwise manage themselves. For example, an HR worker can use about 40 percent of their time to manage employee benefits. Instead, pick a software that offers self-service to allow your employees to handle some of the fundamental tasks themselves.

This will help save time and ensure openness in your work processes. Your HR staff can then focus on the more critical aspects of your workforce.

The Takeaway!
Choosing the right HR software really makes sense, especially if you’re a medium- to a large-size company. Software like Cezanne HR has more features to take into account such as payroll, benefits administration, database, accessibility, and attendance management. The key point is to take the time to review different options while comparing to your workforce and future needs before making your decision.

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