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Website Design Ideas for Gaming Enthusiasts

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Video gaming is one of the hottest and fastest growing industries right now. If you are into gaming, there is no reason why you should not have a website or at least a YouTube channel to show off your gaming skills. Many people take to the internet to show how they are playing a certain game or even showing tips and tricks for solving a problem within a game. YouTube is loaded with video tutorials and gaming advice videos and if you are into gaming, there is a way that you can do the same. Here we are going to talk about setting up a blog on your own website and linking that to your YouTube videos.

Blogging Is Not Dead

Before the rise of online videos, there were blogs. That is how you found information about anything and everything that you needed information about. A few years ago, reports started to suggest that blogging was dead as more people moved on to creating videos instead. That is not the case. Blogging is still a great way to reach your audience and it is also a great way to link to your YouTube channel at the same time. That brings in traffic for your gaming videos, as well as giving you an outlet to write about what you love doing. Also, blogs are preferred for SEO backlinking campaigns by marketers so you can expect more cash as advertising.

Keep the Design Process Simple

Some people think that because they are going to build a website that it has to be something complex that people are going to talk about. That is not the case; in fact, the easier your site is to use and navigate the better it is for you and your visitors. Keeping the design process simple is as easy as using a service like WIX. The drag and drop options for building your site make things easy to get started, as well as for any changes in the future. If you later decide to turn your website into an e-commerce store, WIX plans are affordable and from the point that you pay for hosting to your website being online is a very short timeframe.

Websites with Videos Are Popular

Anytime that you can create a video to show people how you are playing a game or how you setup your own gaming area, post it to YouTube and then create a blog post to go into detail and link back to your YouTube video. This practice will help you get search engine traffic of people looking for your videos, as well as traffic right to your video on YouTube. Blogging is a great way to extend the life of your content, as it will always be found years after you post it to your site.

Take your time and really think about who is going to be visiting your website. Move design elements around and see what works the best over the next few months. Once you get a “formula” that works, you can build on your written content and video content as well. Gamers from all over the world will be seeking out your website in no time!

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