5 Trendy tips to keep in mind when building your new website

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Building your new website needs to be creative and appealing to the eye. It should draw the visitor into the site and entice them to want to click through various pages and learn more about your website. The longer you keep a visitor on the site, the more likely you will be able to engage them in coming back for another visit or investing in what you have to offer. As with anything, there are popular trends that can make your website stand out from the rest of the crowd. Here are some tips for you to keep in mind when building your new website.

Attract attention: One way to do this is by adding GIFs or infographics to your website. People get drawn in by the colorful design and attractive pictures. The best gifs to use are those that relate to your topic and are aimed toward your target market. For example, if you are aiming to get readership from men in their 30’s, you will want to avoid using a gift that is pink with a cupcake. That would likely not entice a male in their 30’s to stay on the site unless they are in the market for ordering cupcakes online. Be sure to use GIFs in good taste and don’t go overboard with them. That can look amature and turn people away.

Add a Google map: One of the best things to add to your web design is a Google map. The reason for this is that it helps clients find where you are and will help you achieve ranking results. To make your Google map stand out and look unique, highlight the area where you are located in a color that matches your logo and branding.

Video with sound: Many cringe at this idea but truth be told, watching videos is coming back and with a vengeance. Many people love watching YouTube videos and find themselves drawn into a website if the site offers a picturesque view of something that they are interested in. For example, if you own a travel website, consider adding a video component that highlights some of the most popular travel destinations at the moment.

A simple homepage:
A clean homepage with a large photograph of your product or an image of what you are trying to showcase with very little wording is a popular way to offer your services to the world through a web page. The simple and clean look makes it easy for users to navigate through your site and find what they are looking for. The extras are not needed and people often appreciate being able to quickly find the information they need so that they can continue on with their busy lives.

Apps and watch capabilities:
More and more people like to use their mobile devices to do business or conduct personal matters while on the go. Make sure that your website is mobile friendly and can be viewed in some capacity on a watch device. If you have access to funds and technological assistance, building an app is also a great idea as it can attract users to frequent your website more often from their smartphone by the touch of a button.

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