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Vivify – A New Free CSS Animation Library

Divi WordPress Theme

As web standards are changing constantly and being improved, we see now that web browsers can do many more things than just displaying text and images. The era of having web pages with just images and text is long gone and in order for you to be successful in this competitive area, you need to be very creative and stand out from the crowd.

Animations on websites are great, and, more and more web designers are using them to give some cool effects on their designs to enhance user experience and satisfaction.

Some years ago, animations could only be done with Javascript or using Adobe’s Flash but now the latest version of CSS, CSS3, has introduced some new basic effects which are faster and lighter on browsers to create some cool animations.

So today are sharing a fresh CSS animation library which is Vivify. It’s been developed by Martin Kníže
This CSS library contains many many class names you can add. Just take a look at the Vivify documentation and demo page.


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