Tips for designing a mobile-friendly website


Everybody knows how we’re spending more time on our smartphones to do everything from communicating with friends to playing online games. But it seems that our mobiles have overtaken desktop computers as the main way that we browse the web too.

So if we have a website or are in the process of building one, what do we need to do to ensure that our users have a stress-free viewing experience?


The first thing to do is to use Google’s free tool to check whether your website meets the search engine’s criteria for being mobile-friendly.

This is all the more important after the so-called Mobilegeddon of 2015 that downgraded all websites in the search rankings if they were found to be difficult to use on a smaller screen.

Many of us will use webpage building resources like WordPress and Blogger, and it’s always a good idea to check that the theme being used is relatively new and caters to mobile devices.

Mobile-friendly features

Regardless of how your website is built, there are always a few things that can make for a better mobile experience.

Making sure that any text used isn’t smaller than 16 pixels is a good way to ensure that any content is legible. And think carefully about any colours used, as black text on a white background is always a good failsafe option.

The layout of a webpage plays a massive part in the mobile-friendliness of a website. For example, having a simple navigation bar at the top of the page helps the users find their desired blackjack games without any unnecessary scrolling.

What to avoid

We all know how tempting it is to pack our websites with lots of striking visuals and cool audio, but these can all add to the loading time of a page which is something that won’t aid the mobile user’s experience.

A recent study found that web users expect most web pages to load in under two seconds, and this is why keeping everything trimmed back to the bare minimum is an excellent idea. This is all the more important as Google included a webpage’s loading time as part of their criteria in search engine rankings.

And finally, regardless of whether your website is hosting blackjack games or just giving you a platform to share your everyday experiences, there’s nothing worse than having to navigate one of those annoying interstitial ads!