The Cutting Edge Of Website Design

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Ultra-Responsive Mobile Websites

Touchscreen technology isn’t historically “new”; it’s been around for decades. But responsive touchscreen technology that can be properly utilized by the public is an innovation that was untenable for a long time. The technology can be traced back to the dawn of computers; the forties, as a matter of fact.

When this consideration is brought to bear, then touch screen technology can almost be taken as a meter of computational advancement! The better touch technology gets, the more advanced computation can be evidenced to have become. But these things are all collateral considerations. What is important is practical application.

Practically, until the last ten years or so, there hasn’t been any application of touchscreen tech to write home about. And then smartphones hit the market as though the market had delivered an insult aimed at an unsuspecting relative. That is to say: smartphones hit hard. They hit so hard, practically everyone in the world has one now.

Well, not quite everyone; the estimate is at 2.32 billion right now. Still, that’s over 30% of the global population. It’s not quite one in three, but it’s close. And remember, that’s smartphones; not just regular old cellular phones. It is conceivable that this number will continue to grow. Of course, the population will as well.

People will be born, people will pass away, people will go to prison, and some countries will continue to remain undeveloped. So it’s likely not possible that 100% of the world population will ever have smartphones. But most of them will at some point, and over 30% of them use this tech now; and that means touchscreen tech.

Understanding The Landscape

The thing about touchscreen technology is that it works slightly differently than conventional technology which utilizes a mouse, a keyboard; what-have-you. As a result, websites utilizing touchscreen navigation must be designed a certain way. As a business, when you’re considering outreach, this must be accounted for.

A website that doesn’t have a mobile component is missing a huge quotient of the market. If you really want to be most effective in your marketing campaigns, you’re going to have to familiarize yourself with this new echelon of technological interface. MKE custom software systems provided via help you understand modern marketing, the site exhibits,“responsive” websites: “Try opening our website on your phone, tablet, and/or desktop PC. Take note of how the page transitions between the different form factors. This is our bread and butter!”

If you’ve got a site easy to access on a smartphone, that’s going to be good for business. If you’ve got an intuitive site designed for mobile application, then it will naturally recommend itself to users. Remember: the vast majority of users have as much familiarity with the technology as you do. Which is to say: probably not much.

If you can have a website naturally intuitive on conventional computers, and just as intuitive when used with mobile technology, then it will be easier for clients to choose your products or services over competition. Granted, other marketing endeavors are necessary as well; but the right company usually has multiple specialties.

Complete The Formula

When it comes to modern mobile marketing, technology is only half the equation; the other half is concerned with content. You need to have actionable content readily available and to a degree that’s somewhat ubiquitous. Should you have that as well, you’ll be able to sweep clients in on more than one front.

Modernity is marching onward, and while the future isn’t predictable, investing in options which take advantage of such near-omniscient applications definitely seems like a smart bet. Protection Status