8 Strategies to Create The Perfect .COM Domain Name For Your Website


To get that perfect brand name you’ve always wanted for your business or blog, you’ll need to demonstrate a lot of creativity and flexibility.

When selecting your domain name extension, .COM remains the best option. According to the result of a finding by Registrar Stats, the most popular name extension is .COM, with 75% of domain names ending with that extension, followed by .NET and .ORG.

If you’re wondering why it’s the most preferred TLD. Well, because it’s easier to remember, plus many users are more accustomed to a .com ending to a domain. With over three decades of top level news, businesses and entertainment associated with a .COM extension, it has easily become the most trusted, recognizable and versatile name extension in the world. Every company featured on Fortune 500 as well as many ambitious start-ups use .COM domain names. It is the overwhelming recommended choice of domain and brand experts.

If your domain name ends in a .COM, web users and top search engines will tend to trust your website, compared to similar websites that use other domain name extensions.

Although there are many successful websites with .NET and .ORG name extensions, a .COM is a safer bet for you and your website stands will likely do better if it is attached to your selected domain name.
So, in the early days of setting up your website, your fist instinct will be to register your domain name with a .COM extension. It’s incontestably your best option if you really want the best top tier domain extension of your website.

Being so popular and trusted, websites that use .COM extensions get an extra value by simply associating with the TLD. As a result, it is never easy .COM availability for you preferred domain name. It is almost always certainly taken! Especially if you choose a generic domain name.

If you find yourself in this kind of dilemma, should you go for an easy way out and use a .NET, or a .ORG or any of the other suggested TLDs to go with your domain name? For more information on domain both gTLD and ccTLD’s visit Domain Names NZ | Domain Search | Domain Registration | Freeparking

No. You just have to get a little more creative to get a .COM TLD for your website and enjoy the instant recognition and reliability it offers. Here are 8 strategies to help you coin domain name that you want and which will likely be available with a .COM extension.

If your initial idea is unavailable, modify it
As said earlier, it is likely the first name you typed into the registrar search bar returned with a result that said ‘unavailable.’ Don’t despair. It happens to nearly everyone that has attempted to register a domain name with that extension.
What to do? There are several creative ideas to get your way around the hurdle. The first thing to try is to use a modifier. For example, if your already taken domain name is a business, think about adding a short word that describes what your company does or its make-up. You could also try using ‘The’ as a modifier by adding it at the beginning of your selected name.

Add your location
Most businesses are focused on serving a particular region or location where they’re basically based. By adding your location to your domain name, you’ll boost your website SEO ranking for local searches. People also have a sentimental attachment to things that show their location and will more likely visit websites that have their community name in it.

Use keywords
Researchers have shown that websites get more clicks when the domain names are keyword-rich. It’s a web user psychology that demonstrates that when searching for a product or service on the Internet, users are more likely to click on domain name that includes a keyword of what they’re looking for, compared to a website that doesn’t use any of their search items in its name.

Get creative with your business description or branding
Have ever wondered why we have ‘weird-sounding’ popular Internet brand names like Tumblr and Docusign? Well, it’s because those companies got a bit more ingenious with coining their preferred domain names by adding or removing one or two letters.

Other successful examples are Facebook and Instagram, which combined or merged two keywords of their brand focus. Adopting that technique can help open up a lot of options for unique domains names that are available with a .COM extension to stand you out.

Create an acronym
IBM, BMW, and AOL are examples of very successful brands that use acronyms for their names. You can also use go with this technique or use popular acronyms of countries, states or profession, such as USA, NYC and CPA, in your domain name with a .COM TLD to increase its visibility on the web.

Use your social media handle
A lot of people start their business foray on their social media handle, building up a community of followers and strong brand for their product. If you started this way and then decide to create a website for your business, why not continue with the same branding your audience has become familiar with, by adding a .COM? That way, you achieve seamless uniformity and a stronger brand presence on the web.

Use a domain name generator for ideas
So, granted, you may have several name options up your sleeve when typing in your preferred domain name; but just how many of the unique ones are still available? And the rest on your list may not quite sound or look the way you really want for your domain name, right?
That’s why you’ll find domain name generators such as Wordoid, Lean Domain Search, DomainScope, and DomainHole a lot helpful.

When searching for the perfect domain name, you must be imaginative and show versatility while adopting any or each of the techniques discussed above. Finally securing a great domain name that ends with a .COM extension can be an important step in the successful branding of your business online, as .COM instantly communicates your business as trusted and reliable.