Simbla: Unique Website Builder


Website builders are continuously making the task of bringing your business online easier and more efficient, regardless of your programming skills or lack thereof. However, as there are a myriad of website builders available at your disposal, there are several items to consider when choosing the best fit for you. Luckily, Simbla’s Bootstrap3-based website builder is on top of its game, providing Bootstrap website templates that supply a number of helpful features for Simbla users:

– Responsive: Simbla gives users responsive website templates, which means that any website you create with Simbla is optimized to fit the size of the screen it’s being viewed on (including desktops, tablets, or cell phones.
– Drag and Drop: Different design blocks hang out at the top of your page so that you can quickly click on them, drag them to wherever you want them to lay on your page, and sit back as your layout completes itself.
– Design options: Simbla’s have what they call the theme maker (which lets you change the total appearance of your site in two clicks), video backgrounds, background patterns, parallax effects, image galleries and carousels, and much more.
– SEO: Simbla gives you a number of resources to help amplify your site’s SEO, such as metadata, Simbla-generated sitemap, 301 reference and syncing with Google Analytics. Aside from those, the sites you create with Simbla’s website builder are based on HTML5.
– Pro Mode: For anyone a bit more comfortable navigating Bootstrap website templates or even website builders in general, Pro Mode allows you to add elements to your sites, such as menus, forms, multimedia (some of which detailed above), grids, text, and more.


While the above features make for a convincing argument to choose Simbla as a website builder, there is a newer, more unique addition to the group that will make the decision a no-brainer: an online database. The database allows you to both connect ready-made applications with your database and site, and to produce your own data-driven web applications like blog system, management of leads and clients, or controlling sales processes.


In your database you can create tables, add records, define columns, and manage the level of access anyone has to the data and how, by controlling who can modify, obtain, create and remove datasets. Additionally, you can define and customize your individual users’ roles, by assigning rights such as “delete,” “read,” “create,” “get,” and “update.” After you’ve set up your database and assigned your permissions, you can quickly connect it to your website.


Along with your database comes the option of utilizing “database widgets”—these can be anything from creating a login page for registered users, allowing certain users to modify records in the database, or making a search form that filters returned results, which all consequently appear in the database as you want them to. Combining these widgets to form your own applications or simply utilizing the applications Simbla is in the midst of producing are both viable options for maximizing the prospects your database offers you.


Simbla’s website builder aims to bring you the best possible finished product, by providing you with Bootstrap website templates and all the helpful tools they come with. These responsive website templates will ensure you emerge with a sleek, polished and professional website that you’re proud of, regardless of how skilled you are at coding or design.