Reasons People Don’t Trust Your Website (Infographic)


How you design and maintain your website can make a big difference to how people perceive your business and it could also create some trust issues.

Many first-time visitors to a website will make an instant judgment, not just on the usefulness and relevance of your content but also just how trustworthy the site might be. People are understandably wary of scam sites that are there to part you from your cash or steal your personal information.

The worst scenario here is when your legitimate website is assumed to be a bit dodgy, meaning that potential customers will click away from the site and never return again.

Is your website unintentionally sending out all the wrong signals?

This infographic takes a look at the key reasons why people might not trust your website and offers some tips on how to fix the problem.

One example of where a website could be viewed as untrustworthy is when there is scant information about the site owners and how to get in contact.

Scam sites are often reluctant to reveal any details that could lead someone back to the person behind the fake website, so you might find that the “About Us” page is either absent altogether or very vague with details.

A lack of contact information on the website will also lead people to believe that the owner has something to hide.

If your website is missing contact details or lacks any personal input on the “About Us” page, this is one example of how you might be unintentionally creating the wrong impression with your website.

Take a look at the seven most common signs of an untrustworthy website and see if your own site might be causing trust issues with visitors.