Why On-page SEO is Still Important

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Over the years, the term SEO has come to be well recognized by businesses and many eagerly use a whole range of SEO tactics and strategies in order to boost their online presence and firmly establish their brand online. However, one of the biggest, yet most common mistakes, made by businesses when carrying out SEO is that they neglect to pay attention to on-site SEO, with many mistakenly believing that on-page optimization is less important. Because of this, many businesses are failing to achieve the results that they want, even after spending lots of time and putting in huge amounts of effort for off-page optimization.

Page Content

Anybody who provides expert SEO services will tell you that the content on your webpages is hugely significant when it comes to SEO. Good writing and SEO go hand in hand, as your most often searched keywords are the ones which people want to discover more about. Once you have determined the keywords that you want to target, your next step should be to create content based on them. Remember, great website content doesn’t necessarily mean that the keyword or phrase should be used as many times as possible – instead natural and interesting content which keeps your audience in mind whilst including keywords will achieve the best results.


Website Accessibility

There is not much point in spending a lot of time and effort on your off-page SEO strategies for a website which is not easy to access and navigate. Accessibility simply means that any user will be able to easily perceive, navigate, understand and interact with your website in such a way that visiting is a pleasure. This is not only hugely important for the satisfaction of your users, it’s also vital to SEO as Google has a range of accessibility criteria which determine where your site is ranked in search results. Your page’s loading speed is also hugely important to SEO and can rely a lot on what is on the page, for example a page which has a lot of video or photo content could take longer to load up.

XML Sitemaps

XML Sitemaps are hugely important to your on-page optimization as they help Google bots and other crawlers to quickly view the website in order to interpret your site easily and index it accordingly in search engine result pages. Even if you’ve never created an XML sitemap before, you can do so effortlessly and without any prior knowledge by using a handy sitemap generation tool. Once a sitemap has been added to your website, you should follow up by updating your Google website tool by including an XML sitemap link, giving your website a better chance of being crawled and indexed as soon as possible.

When it comes to getting great results from your SEO strategies, what you do on your page is just as important as the work that you do off-site. Optimizing your content, keywords, and even your website design is hugely important to ensuring that your website ranks high.

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