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Features You Should Consider Adding to a Motor-Related Website

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Do you ever wish your car-related website would generate more visitors and customers? If so, it may have something to do with the features missing from your website. Today’s website visitors expect more when they go online to buy cars. They want to interact with other motor enthusiasts and find out the latest information about the motoring industry. The main features you should consider including in a motor-related website include the following:


An Easy-to-use Search Facility

Most visitors to this type of website are searching for cars or information about cars. Make it as easy as possible for visitors to find the information they need. If you sell cars online, add a search facility that is easy to locate and use. Users should be able to search for new and used cars by model, make, age and price. Appropriate search options should also be available if you sell body shop tools or other car-related items.

Make your Website Mobile Compatible

More people are using mobile devices to search for products and services, and the motoring industry is no exception. A modern website dedicated to cars and car products should be compatible with mobile devices. If your current website does not display properly on mobile devices, it may be time to contact a website developer and make the necessary changes.

Add Interactive Features

The busiest websites are the ones that encourage interaction and conversation. Adding a forum, blog or other feature that allows discussions to take place, is the most effective way to attract and retain visitors.

Make it Easy for Visitors to Contact You

With so many different ways to communicate, it should be easy for a website visitor to contact you. However, this is not always the case. The contact details for many businesses are often difficult to find or don’t exist at all on a website. This is a huge mistake and could be the reason your phone is not ringing as much as it should. These are the main contact details you should clearly display:

– Office phone number
– Work cell phone number
– Email address
– Physical address
– Social media accounts

Adding contact forms, live chat facilities, opt-in forms and social media feeds, makes it even easier for customers to contact your business through your different communication channels.

Add Features that Speed Up Your Website

When online visitors search for information and products, they expect a website to respond quickly. This is not always the case and you need to find ways to rectify the problem. A range of plugins, add-ons and other software components are available to improve the performance of a website. Once the problem is addressed your bounce rates should decrease and visitors will stay on your website for longer. This will ultimately result in more leads, phone inquiries and sales.

Small changes to a website can have huge consequences for a motor-related business. Successful motoring websites have spent time testing and changing their websites, until they perform to their optimum level. You can do the same by adding the features mentioned here.

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