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Web design trends that flunked in 2016

Divi WordPress Theme

The report card is out, and, therefore, you need to know that there are several design trends that have flunked and could not retain their position in 2016. It was seen that the design trends that are widely accepted are on the factor that they must deliver a highly engaging yet quite smooth user experience to the users.

It was seen the trends that fail to provide a seamless experience despite being quite fancy and eye-catching were shown an exit door.
In this blog we have discussed which all trends have moved out and those that have moved in.


Irrelevant Elements

Obfuscating your web pages with unnecessary elements has certainly taken a back seat. Earlier web designers used to fill the complete page with too many elements, and they thought this element will engage the users. However, contrary to their thinking a lot of elements made it difficult for the users to learn about the main aim of the website and this downgraded the user experience. If you fill your web page with too many images or text will it be possible for you to deliver your message to the users correctly. Well, this is the major issue. Do not worry, just think that whether you requite all these things to be displayed on your website or not.

What has taken its place? : Whitespace
white-spaceThe Pareto Principle: This is the 80-20 rule and is also known as the vital few. Think about the 20 percent of the elements that will bring 80 percent of the results.

Whitespaces have taken place and there a lot of websites that now focus on minimalistic design and make use of white spaces that tend to create an indelible imprint on the brain of your websites visitor.


Sidebars have seen the exit door, and the sheer reason is that the online business owners want to make their users see the main content of the website and not to divert their attentions other trivial issues that are flocked in 300 pixels at the right-hand side of your website. Apart from this, another reason sidebars were abandoned is because they did not perform well on mobile devices. However, if you are extremely excited about sidebars and wish to include them anyhow then you can ask your designers to find out a subtle way to incorporate them so that the main content is not lost in the dust.

What has taken its place? : Hamburger Style
hamburger-icons-menu-websitesSidebars have been happily replaced by Hamburger style that is a creative way to solve the display issues. This menu gives a practical solution to the designers to solve the navigation query and also serves two important factors such as beauty and functionality with ease.

Automated Popups

Automated Popups that pop out of nowhere on the desktop screen are one of the most annoying things for any user. This is the reason websites on which automated pop-ups rise from nowhere are disliked and this at times becomes quite pernicious when these are unresponsive. Thus, sites with pop-ups were abandoned. Wherefore, web designers, have abandoned pop-ups.

What has taken its place? : Call to action
Call to actionA strong call to action has taken its place, and Automated popups have been nixed. This is the reason cleaner web design was adopted and do not interrupt the view.

jQuery will lose Market Share

Though it entered the market with quite a storm as it is quite easy to work with the Dom elements and the best part is that it works on all the browsers.

Though it is one of the best libraries for the web developers, the only problem with it is that it is quite big. However, 2.0 version of JavaScript does not supports IE 6, 7 and eight but still it is big enough to load, and the problem is more on a mobile website.

What has taken its place?: Vanilla JavaScript
Vanilla JavaScriptVanilla JavaScript has taken the place of JavaScript as it is much faster and is considered to be more efficient. Though all you need is to make a lot, DOM manipulations.

Autoplay Videos

I would like to discuss an instance of my college days. I convinced my mom that I am not using the internet, and I just want to study from the tutorial already downloaded on my laptop. But as I was notorious I wanted the laptop to browse. So what happened I opened a link and out of nowhere there was a video that started playing. Due to this, my got to know that I am fishing, and she snatched my laptop. Well since then I developed an apathy towards these self-playing videos. These videos also make it difficult for the users to interact with the website. Moreover, this also a reason people abandon some websites.

What has taken its place?

Well, I guess there is no harm in adding videos but rather than adding these self-start videos you can certainly mute them or ask for users permission before just playing them.

Stock Images

I as a user want to learn with whom I am working, and this is the reason websites have to shun the use of stock photos and use their original ones. The authentic personality of the brand has been much into the website, and this is the reason stock photography will see an exit door.

What has taken its place?

Certainly you do not want to look like a twin brother to your competitor using a stock image that your competitor might use it as well. Rather the using those old photographs you can use your own or can also feature your clients.

Full Screen Hero Images

Large Hero images right on the main coverage area that is the first fold of the website will decline. The reason being is that it pushes the main key content below the main fold. This is the reason I believe that Large Hero Images are will not make way into 2016.

What has taken its place?: Minimalistic design
Minimalistic-designRather than using an image on first fold one can make use of content on the first fold. This is the reason designers will focus on minimalistic design and adding the content that tells about the website.

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