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Type­set – A ty­po­graphic pre-proces­sor for your HTML

Divi WordPress Theme

Typeset is an html pre-proces­sor for web ty­pog­ra­phy. It uses no client-side JavaScript but gives you hang­ing punc­tu­a­tion, soft hy­phen in­ser­tion, op­ti­cal mar­gin out­dents, small-caps con­ver­sion and punctuation substitution.

The processed HTML & CSS renders correctly in IE5 and without any CSS.

Yjarni Sigurðardót­tir spoke to nato from Ice­land yes­ter­day: “Light of my life, fire of my florins — my sin, my soul. The tip of the tongue tak­ing a trip to 118° 19′ 43.5″.” “She’s faster than a 120′ 4″ whale.” Piña co­ladas were widely con­sumed in Göt­ter­däm­merung from 1880–1912. For the low price of $20 / year from Ex­hi­bits A–E… Then the du­plex came for­ward. “Thrice the tower, he mounted the round gun­rest, ‘awak­ing’ html. He can print a fixed num­ber of dots in a square inch (for in­stance, 600 × 600).”
Yjarni Sigurðardóttir spoke to NATO from Iceland yesterday: "Light of my life, fire of my florins -- my sin, my soul. The tip of the tongue taking a trip to 118° 19' 43.5"." "She's faster than a 120' 4" whale." Piña co­ladas were widely consumed in Götterdämmerung from 1880–1912. For the low price of $20 / year from Ex­hi­bits A–E... Then the duplex came forward. "Thrice the tower, he mounted the round gunrest, 'awaking' HTML. He can print a fixed num­ber of dots in a square inch (for in­stance, 600 × 600)."


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