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Free Download : Smashicons – 100 Free Icons Package in 4 Styles

Divi WordPress Theme

Smashicons is one of the largest and most complete icon set in the world. Over 3500 unique icons in 4 different styles build for Sketch, Ps and Ai. That’s 14.000 icons ready to be used in any creative project.
Smashicons icon set is molded by top iconography industry requirements we carefully crafted the icons on a standard 60px grid which gives each icon consistency and crispness on normal and retina displays.

You can download the free pack that includes 100 icons in 4 different styles (Flat, Solid, Outline, Webby ) and comes in AI, PSD, SVG, PNG and Sketch.

Smashicons is ready to be used out of the box with SVGs and PNGs at 60, 90 and 120px corresponding to iOS Design Standards. @2x, @3x and even @4x for future possible updates





Free Pack is at the bottom of the Smashicons Website


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