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Flatland – A simple theme and accompanying color scheme for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Divi WordPress Theme

Flatland is a simple theme and accompanying color scheme for Sublime Text 2 & 3. It is mostly derived from Soda, the right place to start for any custom theme development for Sublime.


You can install it using the excellent Package Control package manager for Sublime Text:

Open “Package Control: Install Package” from the Sublime quick menu (Command-Shift-P).
Select the ‘Theme – Flatland’ option to install Flatland.

Manual Installation

You can also install it manually by following these instructions:

Download theme files
Unzip the files and copy the folder newly created folder into your Sublime Text Packages directory with the name Theme – Flatland. You can find that directory by selecting “Preferences > Browse Packages …”.

1.sublime text theme

2.sublime text theme


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