Storefront – A Brand New FREE WordPress Theme


Storefront is an intuitive & flexible, free theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce.It’s the perfect platform for your next WooCommerce project.

Bulletproof WooCommerce integration

Storefront is built and maintained by WooCommerce core developers so you can rest assured the integration between WooCommerce, WooCommerce extensions and Storefront is water-tight.


The Storefront platform is built on solid foundations. Based on the popular Underscores starter theme (which Automattic use for all themes on it also features a responsive layout, flexible, nestable grid system and schema markup for enhanced SEO performance.

The default Storefront design is clean and simple – the perfect starting point from which to customise your store to match your brand, whether that’s using the WordPress customizer or a custom plugin / child theme integrated with the developer friendly codebase.

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