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CSS Dig for Chrome – Chrome extension for analyzing CSS

Divi WordPress Theme

This Chrome Extension looks for stylesheets and style blocks on the webpage it’s run against and groups declarations together for easy inspection. For example, you can see how many colors are used and how often. This can help you consolidate your styles and help with refactors.


It works on most websites but there are some limitations.

– @import : CSS in @import is currently ignored.
– Content Security Policies: In some situations CSS Dig has make AJAX calls to retrieve the contents of the CSS files. Sites with strict Content Security Policies can block them. For example, facebook.com and github.com.
– @media : CSS Dig will show selected properites inside @media blocks but it will include the entire block. Not sure how best to address this.
– On sites with lots of external stylesheets it may take a few seconds to collect all the CSS.


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