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20 Must Have Tools for Evaluating WordPress Accessibility (for Visually Impaired)

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Web-based accessibility tools are ideal choice for anyone who wants to know whether their website has been designed using Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) or not. These are the tools that help you make your website accessible to everyone including those who are dealing with some kind of visual disability.

Just like the normal, disabled people also represent a large market share and thus beginning to demand a better online accessibility. Therefore, one needs to ensure that their website is addressing their needs and helping them fulfilling their objectives. It’s a sure-proof way to make certain that you haven’t overlooked anything which is not only a moral responsibility but a legal obligation as well.

In this post, we are going to discuss about some top range accessibility tools that help you evaluate the reachability of your website to people with visual disabilities.

Accessibility Valet

valuating WordPress AccessibilityAccessibility Valet is a dynamic tool that helps you detect the whether your web pages are in tune with the Section 508 or WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Users are allowed to check one URL at a time with this tool if you opt for free usage, and unlimited usage is provided with paid subscription.


Access Monitor

2.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityUsed by Portuguese Public Administration, Access Monitor is a high-end tool that helps anyone get a free report of a web page. The companies can easily create sample pages of website, while also monitor the entering of new pages.


AChecker- Accessibility Checker

3.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityA dynamic open-source accessibility evaluation tool, AChecker will enable you submit a webpage either via its URL or by uploading its HTML file. You can also select which guideline to evaluate, including HTML Validator, BITV, Section 508 etc.


Cynthia Says

4.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityCynthia Says is a web accessibility evaluation portal designed to identify errors in your content as per the section 508 guidelines and WCAG standards. The tool is meant for educational purposes and validates only one page at a time.


Contrast Checker

6.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityContrast Checker is an extremely reliable tool for checking level of contrasts, brightness, shine and color combinations for foreground and background.



7.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityExaminator is an online service that automatically evaluates the accessibility of a website. The tool awards points between 1-10 as an indicator of accessibility.



8.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityEvalAccess is one of those tools that makes it extremely easy for you to automatically check the entire website as per the WCAG 1.0 compliance. It provides results in the form of comprehensive reports and also errors while evaluating.



9.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityHeadingsMap is a helpful tool used to to generate documents, headings, and sections in HTML5. It creates an index or map of any document structured using headers.



10.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityHERA-FXX is a high-performing web accessibility tool that automatically performs preliminary analysis and manually review web pages which are displayed in the web browser Mozilla Firefox.


HiSoftware Compliance Sheriff Web

11.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityIt’s a monitoring tool that helps you detect accessibility of your website across multiple digital environment. It is also helpful in monitoring and validating the content on public websites, portals, and intranets for checking their compliance with WCAG section 508.


OCAWA– Operational Control and Analysis for Web Accessibility

12.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityWith this tool users can either submit the URLs of their website or they can upload an HTML file, the tool then will automatically displays the accessibility result with links along with the deviations detected.



13.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityDeveloped by WebAim, WAVE is a high-end tool that is available both online as well as Firefox add-on. It also detects accessibility violations by explaining the copy of the page that is being evaluated and also provides recommendations simultaneously.


HTML Code Sniffer

14.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityHTML Code Sniffer is a highly reliable tool that helps you detect HTML document and detect violations as per the defined coding standards.


Opquast Desktop

15.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityOpquast Desktop is a high-quality website assessment tool that comes features for manually and automatically evaluating the accessibility of a website. It also lets you generate audit reports in multiple formats, so that that tasks remain free from bugs.


PDF Accessibility Checker

17.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityPDF Accessibility Checker is a freeware program that provides an easy and quick way of accessibility of PDF files. The tool provides support for both experts as well as end users conducting the evaluation test.


Reading Effectiveness Tool

18.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityReading Effectiveness Tool will help you detect the correctness level of draft manuscript or if it is leveled proportionately as per the expectations of the audience browsing the website. This power-packed tool is designed by using Simple Measure of Gobbledegook (SMOG) readability formula.



19.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityAs an advanced online hosted service, Sitemorse helps you generate easy to understand website accessibility testing along with its compliance and functioning. The tool is powerful enough to test thousands of web pages at a single go. Furthermore, not only accessibility but it can also check HTML, broken links, spellings, custom brand rules and more.



20.Tools for Evaluating WordPress AccessibilityTenon is a feature-rich accessibility testing tool that gives amazing flexibility for both designers and developers to meet their goals seamlessly. It makes use of API for better results by getting incorporated into the existing set of tools.

Wrapping Up

So, there we have it all. All the above mentioned tools are great in evaluating how much accessible your website is. They are great in expanding the reach of your website and thus help in fulfilling your moral responsibility towards business and society.

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