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Free Download : Exclusive FlipBook Template

Divi WordPress Theme

Today’s free design resource is and exclusive FlipBook.A flip book is a book with a series of pictures that vary gradually from one page to the next, so that when the pages are turned rapidly, the pictures appear to animate by simulating motion or some other change.

If you want to embed Flash/XML flipbook style effect to your website them just check out this flipbook template.



fast loading ( first loads the current page )
deep linking
you can load the any background (swf file,jpg ,png,flv …. etc – change in xml file )
smoothing for background
you can change page book size in xml file
you can add big photographs of two pages (no need to crop)
you can add unlimited pages in xml file
player mp3
you can mute mp3 player for the page
you can add unlimited mp3
nice animation icons,
you can disable / enable the numbers pages of globally or locally
smoothing for pages ( locally or globally)
you can load jpg,png and swf file
you can change all colors book in xml file

Just become a free member on Activeden to download it for FREE


One Response

  1. John Smith
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