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Google Material Design Icons

Divi WordPress Theme

Google Design are open-sourcing 750 glyphs as part of the Material Design system icons pack. The system icons contain icons commonly used across different apps, such as icons used for media playback, communication, content editing, connectivity, and so on. They’re equally useful when building for the web, Android or iOS.

1.Material Design Icons

2.Material Design Icons

3.Material Design Icons

What’s included in the release?

– SVG versions of all icons in both 24px and 48px flavours
– SVG and CSS sprites of all icons
– 1x, 2x icons targeted at the Web (PNG)
– 1x, 2x, 3x icons targeted at iOS (PNG)
– Hi-dpi versions of all icons (hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi) (PNG)


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