The Prize: One Copy of X from have truly outdone themselves with the X Theme. X was released nearly a full year ago, and it’s been selling like crazy ever since. The widespread enthusiasm is more than accounted for by clever features, great support, vast documentation, and not to mention the four existing Stacks.



It’s hard to believe that designers can find a great WordPress theme and then volunteer to stick with it for their client projects, in all their diversity. And yet, X is just that: a full solution that no one has ever wished to look beyond! It offers a magnificent drag-and-drop builder with a live previewer, integration with bbPress and BuddyPress, and a set of superb shortcodes – including brand new ones, like Responsive Visibility, or Table of Contents.

Search the wide expanse of the Internet if you wish, but you won’t be able to find a single negative review about the X Theme. You will only find unanimous praise for its design quality, and easy-to-grasp functionality. Integrity, Icon, Renew, and Ethos are the four heart chambers of X Theme, and additional Stacks will be introduced soon. Ethos is particularly appropriate for photography and magazine websites.


“X really is the best WordPress theme ever! It can fit to any design, and can be used for any type of website. Perfect work, perfect documentation!

How to win

Winning a copy of X Theme is child’s play: log in to Rafflecopter, and like on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter, and you’re set.

The winner is announced within a week, but you can acquire X here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

One Response

  1. Parth Sharma