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Freerange Stock – Your Ultimate Resource For Free Stock Photography

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Searching for a stock photography website? Search no more.
I recommend you try Freerange Stock for your stock imagery needs and below I will explain why it is a good choice.

Freerange Stock

Freerange Stock, as the name suggests, is a website where you can get quality stock images for free. There are really no hidden charges involved.
They manage to do that because they earn money from the ads from Google AdSense they display on the website and a search affiliation with Shutterstock. They have come up with a unique business strategy which is a win-win for all the parties involved.
When a photographer registers for a contributor account on the website he is given the option to enter his AdSense ID in the registration form. Freerange Stock’s system is designed in such a way that the ads that they display on the website are rotated for different photographers and for the website.

The photographers can thus earn money from these ads and their earned amount is credited into the photographer’s AdSense account directly.
Thus the photographers make money from ads, the website makes money from their ads (I mean through their own AdSense ID) and the users are able to download the images for free.
The website is well designed and is quite easy to use. Their search engine is user friendly and helps extract and display all the results in no time.
Let me demonstrate this search functionality with the help of an example.
I went on their home page and searched for the key word “computer” and the search results were displayed as shown below.


Note the first row of results are displayed under the logo of Shutterstock. Freerange Stock has partnered with Shutterstock to bring you the best of results.
Now of course the images from Shutterstock are not free. If you like one of those images you can click on it and then you will be taken to the Shutterstock website where you can purchase that image.
However the website also displays a plethora of results under their Freerange Stock logo. These are the results from the Freerange Stock website and these are the results which are all free.
In fact not just free, you can use them without even back linking to the respective photographer. If you want you can give the proper credit but if you don’t want, no problem. Unlike other websites which require you to give credit, Freerange Stock allows you to use its images without any such constraints.
Then suppose if you like an image, you can click on it and you will be taken to the download page of that image. This page will also display information about the photograph like its dimensions and file size. So you can check whether the image suits your requirements or not. Images on the website are at least 2400×1600, so they are quite high resolution.

If everything feels good you can sign in to download the image. Of course you will have to sign up if you are not a registered member. Signing up is easy and, unlike many other websites, requires just seconds of your time. You will be asked to enter your name, your email address and a new password that you will have to create for the website. Then you will have to answer a question as to how you hear about them. And that’s it. You will be in.
There are lots of photographs in their database with a lot more being added continually.
The website is worth checking out. Go and take a look and then let me know what you think in the comments below.

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