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Deal Of The Week : 100+ High-Quality Premium Themes & Templates – only $27!

Divi WordPress Theme

First impressions are critical with most things in life. It’s certainly true with websites. Turn off a new visitor to your site in the first few seconds and you’ll probably never see him or her again. That’s why having a high-quality, professional website template is crucial to your shot at success.
Selecting just the right look for your site can be a tough assignment. You don’t aways know exactly what you want until you start building things out. That’s why having a choice and the ability to swap out templates at a moment’s notice is a huge advantage. And with this Mighty Deal from TemplatesMint, choice is the one thing you’ll have oodles of!



TemplatesMint Membership Highlights:

– Over 100 Templates
With your 3-month membership to TemplatesMint, you can browse through well over 100 premium themes and templates for your website. What’s more, you can download and use as many as you’d like. That’s right, you have an unlimited supply of themes and templates at your disposal.

– Wide Variety
With so many themes and templates at your disposal, just about every category is covered. You’ll find website templates and WordPress themes that cover a wide variety of categories including: fashion, photography, Web designers, restaurants, hotels, spas, sports, charity, advertising and so many more.

– Personal and Professional
Besides giving the average individual a massive library of templates, this membership is a boon to Web developers everywhere who create sites for many of their clients. There’s plenty of options available to please even the most finicky of your clients.

– 12 New Themes and Templates Per Month
Every month, new themes are added to the mix. In fact, 12 new themes and templates are added every single month. That means you’ll see a few dozen additional high-quality themes before your 3-month membership is up.

Click the images below to view the entire current collection:

Preview WordPress Themes:
mightydeals wordpress themes

Preview Stand Alone HTML Website Templates:
mightydeals site templates


A 3-month membership to TemplatesMint normally costs $49, but for a limited time only, you can get full access to over 100 high-quality themes and templates for just $27! That’s a 45% savings off the regular price!


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