WP Theme Of the Day #67 – Nerdy – Flat Blog/Portfolio WordPress Theme


Showcasing your work has never been easier. You can show wide width images and videos within a slider, stacked or even via a lightbox. On top of that, you control whether the content goes above or below your work. With this theme it really is all about the work.

With 3 main homepage layouts, you can show a wall of work, text and a small image or wide width images.

flat wordpress theme

Here is the list of theme features:

  • Jetpack Infinite Scroll support on index/archive/author/search
  • New Twitter oAuth API support
  • Fully fluid design, which goes up to 1680x wide!
  • Built mobile first, for speed with IE fallback
  • 11 Page/Single/Custom post type templates
  • Unlimited Portfolio pages
  • Unlimited Blog pages
  • All templates are HTML5 compliant
  • Child theme supplied
  • Portfolio custom post type with gallery functionality built in for video + images. You also don’t have to use the flexslider, turn this off per portfolio item for a stacked layout. Portfolio post type also comes with a lightbox option too!
  • Client logos custom post type, you can switch these on/off on any post or page
  • Disable featured images on gallery posts
  • Disable featured images on all posts
  • Hide read more on blog
  • Plain text logo option
  • Logo upload
  • Retina logo upload
  • Apple touch icon upload
  • Favicon upload
  • Tiled background
  • Full size cover background
  • Turn on slideshow for blog galleries
  • Set interval for blog galleries
  • Set amount of portfolio items for portfolio template to show before pagination
  • Contact form email address
  • Google API v3 Maps support (you’ll need to sign up for a key)
  • Google pin upload
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