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Weekly Free Resources for Designers and Developers [September 30th,2013]

Divi WordPress Theme

We follow many designers and developers and of course websites that share or release resources to help design community.We write down them all every day and at the beginning of each week we bring them together and share with you.Most of the tools,jQuery plugins,free fonts,free icons and free PSD files etc. are mostly latest releases or the ones you might not have seen yet.We hope you find them useful for your existing or upcoming design projects.

Note:If you think you have something useful for design community feel free to contact us;maybe we can share with our readers next week.

– You can also take a look at our past weekly free resources.


weekly free resources for designers and developersA simple script for simulating raindrops falling on a glass surface.
Demo | Source


23 Useful jQuery Plugins For Web Typography

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


VC Transitions Library

weekly free resources for designers and developersA collection of iOS7 animation controllers and interaction controllers, providing flip, fold and all kinds of other transitions.


Solved by Flexbox

weekly free resources for designers and developersA showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox


FireShell Framework

weekly free resources for designers and developersThe opinionated FireShell framework. Built for the modern developer. For teams and the individual, encouraging a better workflow. JavaScript task running, build processes, autominification and file concatenation, wrapped with an enhanced HTML5 boilerplated framework.



weekly free resources for designers and developersYet another jQuery plugin for tabs with some extra features like custom events, rotation and animation.


WP Test

weekly free resources for designers and developersA fantastically exhaustive set of test data to measure the integrity of your plugins and themes.



weekly free resources for designers and developersA free Photoshop extension.Access the world’s largest* collection of icons right in Photoshop for free.


EtharnigSc & EtharnigNo12 – free font

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


Big Lodge – free font (personal)

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource



weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


Summit – free font

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


iPhone App Wireframe (.psd)

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


Flatimus iOS Free UI Kit

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


iOS 7 Alternate Color Kits

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


Web Banner Templates (Psd)

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


Flatex UI Kit

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource


UI Template – free

weekly free resources for designers and developersSource

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