7 Things You Need to Do Before Launching Your Mobile App


The mobile app market is saturated. How can your app rise and shine in such a highly competitive market?

You need to find a way of making the app popular even before it is launched. This is where things get tricky: You are marketing an app that has not yet been introduced to the people.
What is the point of pre-launch marketing? Is it worth it?
Your app needs all the publicity it can get. Or else, it will drown in the sea of app that already exist on the app stores. Apple and Android have more than a MILLION apps – you need to start popularizing your app even before you start building it!

It’s good to create some amount of curiosity among the people about the app in the making. The benefit is that customers do not feel strange about your app once it is on the app stores – and it you market it well, they will be waiting for it eagerly!

It really works. For instance, if your app get strong opening on the app store, and you get thousands or downloads on the first day itself, the app can get features as the most popular app of the day, or as the most popular app in a particular category!

And today, in a highly competitive word of mobile apps, app developers and businesses are using pinpointed pre-launch strategies to make this happen.

Are you in the process of building an app? Use these tips and tricks to popularize your app NOW!

Market Research

You should be aware of the latest trends and new marketing tactics. Market research is a MUST DO task. Know how your competitors are doing it. Learn the strategy that you think can benefit your marketing campaign. If they have done pre-launches, see how they did it and find out if it actually worked from them.


Market App on Other Apps and Blogs

Are there apps out there that appeal the kind of people who will be interested in your app? Let say you are building a travel app that lets people book hotels at cheap rates. By advertising the app on an app that offers cheap travel, you can reach the target audience. You can also advertise on blogs related to travel – that way you can make your app visible to the people that are most likely to use it.

Social Media Promotion

You can use social media platforms to popularize your app and identify the kind of people who would love to use your app. If you start looking for them once the app is on stores, it might be a bit too late.


Social media influence is everywhere. And it is perfect for promoting your mobile app. You can join dozens of groups where people who are interested in upcoming apps congregate. Also, joining groups that related to the kind of services that your app is going to offer can also help. Needless to say, you shoud spread the word about the app in your personal social media community also.

Prepare a Killer Description

Advertising works only if you have a simple, short and crisp copy. You need a killer description that highlights all the important features and functionalities of your app in as few words as possible. Focus on user benefits and shy away from technobabble.

Create a Landing Page

What if someone wants to know more about your app? Let’s say you succeed in creating interest in the app – now how do you make sure that people stay involved till the app is actually released? You need to create a website for your app that gives more information about your app, that shows exactly when it will be released, and that allows users to register.






Convince the users to register and send them weekly emails detailing the making of the app. If that is too much work, the least you can do is send them a smartly crafted marketing mail when the app is launched.

Beta Testers are Marketers

This is really important. If you look back and study the marketing strategy of the SwiftKey app, they had given apps their apps to thousands of people to test the app. So, thousands of people, many of them involved in mobile app development, are already talking about the app before it is released!

If you follow this strategy, it really does make a significant difference and undoubtedly also helps improve the performance of your app. It has more to do with the technical aspect of the app, but from the marketing perspective, it gives it the app a valuable exposure.

Pre-launch Press Release

It is recommended. Press release makes people aware about the things coming up. It is the basic part of the pre-launch marketing strategy. If you write it well, there is a good chance that some big media outlet for blog will pick it.


Wrapping up

These are the some of the best possible things you can do to boost up the marketing post app release. They will help you create hype and curiosity among people and increases the chance of your app getting a strong opening on the app stores.

Are there any other pre-launch strategies that have worked for you? Please let us know in the comments!

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