Weekly Fresh Resources for Designers and Developers [April 15th,2013]

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We follow many designers and developers and of course websites that share or release resources to help design community.We write down them all every day and at the beginning of each week we bring them together and share with you.Most of the tools,plugins,freebies etc. are mostly latest releases or the ones you might not have seen yet.We hope you find them useful for your existing or upcoming design projects.

Note:If you think you have something useful for design community feel free to contact us;maybe we can share with our readers next week.

– You can also take a look at our past weekly fresh resources.


free resources for designers and developersAlthough it’s lightweight, Unslider comes with a range of options to customise your slider.If you want to add mobile/touch/swipe/whatever support to Unslider, you’ll need to include the jQuery.event.swipe plugin, then it’ll work out the box.



free resources for designers and developersPowerTip features a very flexible design that is easy to customize, gives you a number of different ways to use the tooltips, has APIs for developers, and supports adding complex data to tooltips. It is being actively developed and maintained, and provides a very fluid user experience



free resources for designers and developersA jquery plugin for preloading images.



free resources for designers and developersWith Anima it’s easy to animate over a hundred objects at a time.And it’s only 4k when gzipped.



free resources for designers and developersTextillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide an ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text.


MUELLER Grid System

free resources for designers and developersMUELLER is a modular grid system for responsive/adaptive and non–responsive layouts, based on Compass. You have full control over column width, gutter width, baseline grid and media–queries.


Distractor – free font

free resources for designers and developersThe inspiration behind this font was the old letterpress styles and hand printed lettering.


Imperio – free font

free resources for designers and developers


Amorf – free font

free resources for designers and developers


Municipal – free font

free resources for designers and developersIt’s built out of 4 or so basic shapes.Upper case only with an alternative, more decorative, lower case.


Vim SM

free resources for designers and developers


Muchacho – free font

free resources for designers and developersMuchacho is a western-style serif font with quirky legs.Contains all capital letters, numbers, diacritical marks and most punctuation marks.


Red Button Icons

free resources for designers and developersThis set contains 221 icons. The icons are available in sizes 24×24, 32×32, 40×40, 48×48, 64×64, 72×72, 96×96 pixels, in PNG, ICO, ICNS formats.


Minimalist iOS Devices – free PSD

free resources for designers and developers


Free UI – free PSD

free resources for designers and developers


Halftone Creator Photoshop Plugin

free resources for designers and developersThe plug-in allow you to create a halftone effect using any image in a single click.


Script Icons

free resources for designers and developers


20 Flat Icons Vector PSD

free resources for designers and developers

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