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Weekly Fresh Resources for Designers and Developers [April 8th,2013]

Divi WordPress Theme

We follow many designers and developers and of course websites that share or release resources to help design community.We write down them all every day and at the beginning of each week we bring them together and share with you.Most of the tools,plugins,freebies etc. are mostly latest releases or the ones you might not have seen yet.We hope you find them useful for your existing or upcoming design projects.

Note:If you think you have something useful for design community feel free to contact us;maybe we can share with our readers next week.

– You can also take a look at our past weekly fresh resources.

jQuery Mask Plugin

free resources for designers and developersA jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and html elements.



2.free resources for designers and developersDTooltip is designed to be a flexible and still very simple to use plugin for creating tooltips.


HeapShot jQuery Plugin

3.free resources for designers and developersjQuery HeapShot plugin is an image gallery plugin with a particular effect.


Webshims Lib

4.free resources for designers and developersWebshims Lib is a modular capability-based polyfill-loading library, which focuses on accurate implementations of stable HTML5 features, so that developers can write modern, interoperable and robust code in all browsers. It is built on top of jQuery and Modernizr.


WP Project Manager

5.free resources for designers and developersA WordPress Project Management plugin. Manage your project simply with the *right* tools and options. It gives you the taste of basecamp, just inside your loved WordPress.



6.free resources for designers and developersStatusPage is the easiest way to create hosted status pages. Status pages live outside of your infrastructure so when you’re down, your status page isn’t.



7.free resources for designers and developersThe first retina ready recipe that allows high resolution logos and photographs to work on any HTML email newsletter.Add retina-ready graphics, like your logo, to a responsive email.


Skycons – animated weather glyphs

8.free resources for designers and developersSkycons is a set of ten animated weather glyphs, procedurally generated by JavaScript using the HTML5 canvas tag.


Aleo – free font

9.free resources for designers and developers


Sequi – free font

10.free resources for designers and developers



11.free resources for designers and developersMetrize Icons is a free icon set, it works perfectly for your apps or web projects. You may use these icons for both commercial and personal projects and customize them any way you like.


flat iPhone Mockup

12.free resources for designers and developersThis is a flat iPhone mockup built on Sketch 2. You can download and manipulate the files however you want. However, the .psd file is a flat vector. So you can resize it infinitely, but can’t edit the contents. With the html file, you insert your screen (640/1136) and use it as a home page mockup. Or whatever you’d like to use it for!


Free UI

13.free resources for designers and developers


Free Business Card Mockup

14.free resources for designers and developers


Photoshop Lighting Effects

15.free resources for designers and developersSimple drop lighting effects to be added to your awesome design projects.


Corporate Identity Photoshop Mock-up (Psd)

16.free resources for designers and developersA corporate or brand identity mock up for designers to present their identity design in a modern and pretty way for their clients or for presentation in their portfolios.

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