Stockfresh – A Fresh Stock Photos and Graphics Agency


If you are a website or blog owner, if you run a newspaper or a magazine, or if you simply are involved in a project that requires pictures, then you will agree with us that you are in need of a stock photo agency. And who would better meet your requirements, land you a helping hand and offer you the things you need other than But, if you don’t have much info, as far as this website goes, you will find out everything you need in the following lines.

Buy and sell images

People who will need to buy images for their job will soon find out that this agency is the best for them. The prices start from $4.99 for credits and $99 for subscriptions, which means that whatever your plans are, you will benefit from great offers. Besides that, clients won’t have to fear that their credits are not safe, because everything is clear and they have full access to their credits. Besides, the quality of the pictures is very high, since the images are attentively evaluated so that customers won’t waste their time trying to find something appealing for their website. Another thing that makes the time friendly is the fact that the images are arranged in categories, and thus people could find everything they need from animal pictures to vector illustrations.

At the same time the sell images process is equally simple. They make it easy for the contributors to find out all the rules and also they put at the photographers’ disposal the release forms they need, in order to sell the royalties of their images. Plus, they offer quite great deals to contributors who will get at least 50% per download.

The affiliate program

You don’t have to be a photographer in order to be able to earn some money with Advertisement is important, so all you will have to do is place some banners or links on your website or blog. Then, if your audience will follow these and they will buy some pictures, you will get 10% of this deal. So, it is quite nice to be a part of the affiliate program, isn’t it?

Top photographers

Besides the contributors, has some of the best artists, such as Yuri Arcurs, Irene Kurhan and Monkey Business Images. This means that the agency is full of high quality stock photos that will make your business look good. Another great deal about this website is the fact that if you are keen on buying the work of some artists you know and appreciate, you can do this by searching the photographer and then selecting the image you like.

What can one say more? If you want your project to be successful you should work only with the best. And, is the best because it provides quality, simplicity, respect and passion, all these at low prices. So, your website could contain some impressive and remarkable stock photos, if you will choose